Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Friday, April 6, 2007
Anniversary #4
Darren and I treating ourselves to dinner out without "Little Man" at the restaurant inside the Bass Pro Shop here in Olathe, KS.
The food was interesting. We ate alligator! We told them it was our anniversary and they gave us free dessert- key lime pie! Service was great!
After that was - on the road to Lansing, KS- to spend the weekend. We drove back and forth between Lansing and Leavenworth the whole weekend. It was a semi-decent weekend weather wise... a bit breezy though!
We saw downtown Leavenworth- we saw Ft. Leavenworth (military base-not the prison) and we went to the Lansing Museum, and the CW Parker Carousel Museum too! We even rode on the carousel after the tour- I took pictures of Bud riding on it, but he took a picture and cut off my head!!! ARGH!!! There was a really cool sculpture in town too- I took pictures of that.
Then after all the excitement was over- we were reminded- we were parents of a little boy- who was coughing and had a fever at Grammy and Grampy's place... so Sunday morning we packed up and headed back to MO to get him. By the time we got there- he was doing a minimal amount of coughing- and was so energetic! He had an Easter Egg Hunt at Nanny and Papa's too!