Monday, August 27, 2007
Yep- More breathing happening here
I am back at work full-time. I really enjoy it! I haven't had to do a whole lot of "Nursing Assistance" - mainly I do a lot of the nurses paperwork and hand out band-aids. Which is fine by me. I need more practice on the blood pressure and stuff anyway.
Nathan and I went to the Iowa State Fair! We had an "Ok" time. He was wiped out by 2pm. I missed the butter cow! We were so busy seeing everything else. We went alone. Bud stayed home in KS and David Wayne stayed in BED!!!!
Next year hopefully Nathan is a bit better and sticking around me- in public. We will enjoy it even more!
In a few days- I am leaving for Prairie du Chien Wisconsin! Why? I am officiating my neice's wedding... I am so excited! I got the program put together and my part all done last night while I was at work (it is the quietest place to work!)
I need to call Bud's doctor... will blog more later.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Awwwwww Breathing is good...
I didn't sleep good last night- Bud has a horrible horrible sinus problem due to allergies right now and he snored in my ear! So- since nathan is gone- I am sleeping in his room!
Had the block party- will talk about that at a later time- it was quite the event!!! Can't go into all the detail here- because of confidentiality issues- but at the end of the night- we had an ambulance and a firetruck and the police on the block. The police were on our block more than once!
That is all for now... Will blog more later. Eye lids are closing...fingers are getting slower.....
-night night!
Friday, August 3, 2007

Well, this is me- and Darren Simpsonized! There is a cool website where you can get simpsonized too! but right now it is busy. I am trying to do Bud's - but the site is down right this minute. I will post Bud's when I get it done. I will do Nathan's too.
One last week of CNA training. Final on Tuesday and State Boards on Friday. I also have a 5-10 minute report on Meniere's Disease.
No Nathan starting on Saturday!!! Bud and I are going to PARTY!!!! We will probably end up seeing "Hot Rod" the movie and going out once.
Sunday I am giving my first sermon at Bonner Springs. I have to do some work on that for sure.
So, I have a few things to do in the next few days. I am also still trying to move out of the basement. It has been hard with Nathan in the house- and so next week- I go to KSD on Monday and so the rest of the week will be moving and cleaning and decluttering.
Here is our little man all Simpsonized!!! Isn't he cute?
Well- we are having a huge BLOCK PARTY tonight and I have to get ready for it.
Nathan is still napping- so I am going to get some of the prep work done now!!!!
Till something else happens in our lives???