Currently, I am in Lamoni, Iowa and am on staff for a national camp. I am teaching "Creativity Camp" and "American Sign Language."
I want to take the time to say this THESE CAMPERS ARE SO COOL!!! They totally are caring and loving towards each other and normally at SPEC there is a lot of competition, but I don't see it and especially feel it this week.
Normally there is one or two in each of my classes that I feel I have to "hover" over and watch like a hawk- NOPE--- nada this year. The kids come ready and are very respectful and genuinely ask appropriate questions and are so sincere in wanting the knowledge I want to share with them.
I came this week pretty broken. It is amazing what teens can do to an old person like me. Ha ha ha!!!
I truly feel refreshed and ready to face whatever comes our way next week when I return to KS and Bud. (It may also be because of my wonderful massage I got on my back and arms and shoulder last night!)
Nathan came for a visit yesterday and it was very hard to put him in my mom's car and send him back to Des Moines. I miss him AND BUD so much. But it is good for us to spend some time away. We get new stories to share with one another and to tell you the truth- the homecoming is the best. My favorite part of our separate trips is when Nathan goes to our front door and knocks and rings the doorbell and Bud answers it. The look on Bud's and Nathan's face at that very moment is PRICELESS.
Well, today it is pouring down rain!! It is my last day of classes. I am leaving early tomorrow. SPEC doesn't really end till Saturday. But with our current situation and my mom- - - I need to spend some time with her before I go back. So- yep-- tomorrow I head north and I am going to go see my friend Tania and her kids, and Nathan will play with her son for awhile.
Wanna see some pictures?
Well, I will post more later- my class is about to start.
Thanks for reading.