Wanna Play?This is fun. Hope you enjoy playing along. Read through my responses, then read the instruction at the end.
1. What time is it? 2:11pm
2. What is your full name? Sherry B. (Gorden) Long
3. What are you most afraid of? being poor homeless and unloved
4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen? Employee of the Month - kinda dumb.
5. Have you ever seen a ghost? Nope
6. Have you ever milked a cow? nope
7. Ever been to Alaska? nope
8. What is your favorite country that you’ve visited, outside your home country? Cayman Islands - that is the only place I have been outside of the North America.
9. Ever been in the hospital for an over night stay, and why? Yes, I had a son and a C-Section.
10. Do you plan to have any more Children? nope, too dangerous for me and the baby.
11. Favorite day of the week? Any day I get "me time"
12. Favorite Restaurant? Chapala - Mexican Food, Zios for Italian, Pings for Chinese, McDonald's for fast food.
13. Favorite Flower? Yellow Tulips and Sunflowers, and Daisys!
14. Favorite outdoor spot or region (be especific, not just “the beach,” which beach)? Western Kansas on our "trips"
15. Favorite sport to watch? KC Chiefs Football
16. Favorite Drink? Cherry Coke Zero.
17.Favorite Ice Cream? Bunny Tracks Lite.
18Favorite fast food restaurant? McDonalds - already mentioned
19. What color is your bedroom carpet? light tan
20. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Twice
21. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? OlatheOpMommytime
22. What do you do when you are bored? Scrap- Journal-Blog-Sleep
23. Bedtime? 10:30pm
24. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Not an email- just a blog
25. What question should be added to this questionnaire and what is your answer? What do you normally do on a Tuesday night? I cook dinner and meet ladies for prayer.
26. Who are the gusts are your ultimate dinner party? (Name three persons living or dead.) Jack Black, Gary Lezak, and Princess Diana
27. Favorite (currently running)TV show? AFV, Greys Anatomy, and Miami Ink
28. Favorite, all time animated character? SpongeBob Squarepants
29. What are you listening to right now? JACK FM
30. How many pets do you have? Do husbands count? If not- 0
31 Which came first the chicken or the egg? who cares. Eggs are tastey any time of day.
32. What’s one thing you would you like to accomplish before you die? Write a book.
Here's what you do... And please have fun. Copy this questionnaire and paste the contents into a new email window, delete my answers and type in yours. Send it to a bunch of people you know. You may cc me, but you do not have to. The idea is to learn a few little known facts about people you already know. In the comments section of this blog let me know what you learned in answering the questions and what reactions you got from sending it out.
Have fun,
Spending the day in a favorite cafe, writing and sketching. Do stop by for a cup of Tea.
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