My son- turned 3 on Saturday July 3rd. He had parties all week! Poor kid!
This week I started Clinicals and it was ok... I can't wait to get this job at KSD though. I like kids a lot better than older people. I struggle with this kind of community. I know that it is good for older people but- I just don't enjoy being there (honestly!) The time did go fast.
A friend of the Long's - the Buie's lost their 9 month old daughter on Monday night. I am very sorry for their loss. But Savannah is in a much better place now. It saddened us deeply though.
We never met Savannah- but still loved her.
Well- better get back to cleaning- my job 24/7 since hubby is working and Nathan is a 3 yr old now. I am sick and tired of it all. I want to chuck it all and start over!!! But we don't have the money to do that.
Enjoy your week!
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