What do I say... but "where has the year gone?" It seems like just a few months ago Bud was unemployed and I was making negative amounts in my paycheck (thank you Great Bend School District) and my dad was sick and in the hospital and expected to get sent home any day.
Personally, I don't care if I ever see "CARS" the movie ever again, but I think with a 3 year old boy in the house that isn't going to happen anytime soon. hee hee! I am also thankful for his preschool- ALL 4 KIDS. I love it- he has a wonderful teacher "Ms. Brandy" who is very patient and has a lot of kids but does a great job! Nathan likes her too. The best part is he is getting his Christian Education there. He is learning about God and the wonderful world He created everyday. Nathan has been praying too, and mostly it is for his mommy and daddy and his Thomas Sippy Cup. But that is beginning to change to his Grammy and PaPa.
Day-od (Day-odd) I miss you so much. Especially on days like today. I could always call you and you would get me out of my funk. You showed me the sun (Son) a lot of times. Who knew when that picture was taken that a year later- you would be on your way out of this earthly world? I can't cry- you are in a much better place. You are free from needles, and pain, and medicines, and doctors, and the wondering when it will end. You faced your death head on- and although we thought (selfishly) that it was not the right time. You and God knew it was the right time. I know you are watching us from above, and you see all the good you have done in this world, and because of your good. Northwest Congregation in Des Moines Iowa, named their Christmas Tree (which you bought when you were Pastor) the Jerry Tree. I wish I could have seen it this year, I am sure it was beautiful. Love ya daddy!
David Wayno- What do I say to you as I put an end on this year? PLEASE! You have such potential and such gifts and yet- dwell on the negative and personally I am disapointed in your past year- But you know what? I still love you and will always love you. It is my hope that in 2008 you become more responsible and get back to the caring young man you were before. You can go far- you can become a cop, you can do whatever you want- but you can't do it- sleeping all day, or ignoring your Gram, or not caring about others. Ok enough preaching!
Steven Kip... Thanks for being my big brother. I could not have made it through this year without you. You were really the "man" for the Gordens this year. I know it hasn't been easy for you, and you are struggling on "what you want to be when you grow up." But be patient. That is something I have had to learn in my 38 years on this earth. The waiting is the worst. I wish you success in 2008. Even if you are a bit redneckish and proud of it!! ha ha ha!!!
My Mom! I know you probably will never even see this- but I want the world to know what a great mom I have. I am thankful for her everyday. Without her I would have never gone to Alabama, I never would have become an Interpreter, I never would have moved to Kansas. I owe my whole life experience to her!! She has a beautiful ministry with people. She gets frustrated at times with them, but in the end she is a tool that brings out their gifts and lets them shine- while she stands in the back- sharing in their joys and successes. That is a gift! She is emotional at times- but who isn't at age 70 and with the experiences she has gone through. It is ok to cry mom! It is ok to shut yourself in a room and have "me time" and it is more than ok to tell others to leave you alone. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you (you birthed me!) and you showed me "the way." I hope that in 2008 you learn to be good to yourself!
Lindsay and Nathan- I couldn't be happier for the two of you (soon to be 3 of you!) I was so honored to be asked to be a part of your special day. I am still in awe that we know you Lindsay! I can't tell you enough- how we missed you all those years.
Nathan is a joy- he is truly a creation that only God could have sent us. I feel very blessed to be his momma. He fills our home with laughter and most times- complete awe-ness of what he will do or say next.
Thank you Nathan for beginning the POTTY Business!!! Mommy is thrilled! Keep it up!
Bud, I love ya. I love you more! I hope in 2008 we can become closer as husband and wife. I think the past 2 years have been very rough and we are reaching the other side- slowly but we are still trodding though all of this- we can make it! It is just going to have to take more work, and more time. I don't ever want to lose you- to anyone else (like the neighbors) or to some other reason. I want to be your spluuuwife till my death! I miss "our" time a lot. I hate that our house is such a mess. I hate that we argue, and I hate that we sleep in different cycles. These past few nights have been so wonderful. I love holding your belly and listening to you breathe under the flannel sheets and yes-laying my head on your pillow so I can do that. I love that. I never knew what a good snuggle under the covers was until I crawled into the bed with you that first time.

You need to learn how to WIN UNO!!! ha ha ha!! I love playing games with you. Not because I always win- but because I get to spend time with you. Soon you will move out and go to college and have a life of your own- and I will miss you. I miss you when I am in Kansas. But I know that God has a plan for you and if you are wise- you will follow it and grow up and be a wonderful David Wayne!!!! Your Mom is watching you, and so is Grandpa. They are watching out for you too.

My wish for you both is that in 2008 your love blooms even more! With a little one in the house that is part of both of you- it will change things. But remember that little person is an outward expression of your love for each other. Be in awe of that little creature. I can't wait to meet him (right? a boy?) as I am sure you can't wait either. Continue to communicate with each other. Share in the daily joys and sorrows together. Keep on loving each other even when it is hard to do so and you will succeed in this marriage business.
Well it is getting late- I will end this with my own advice to myself.
Well it is getting late- I will end this with my own advice to myself.
Sherry- be careful- take care of your body- and your health- and your family in 2008. Take time to write, and create and have "me time." Take care of your boys- love them and care for them. It will be a new chapter in Genesis moments.
Till 2008- thanks for reading!!!
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