I am caught- caught in a predicament. I am once again caught in the trap of time and management of that time.
I enjoy my job and I especially enjoy the paychecks- but right now I am working 9pm-8am. On Tuesdays I come in at 6pm and stay till 8am.
Here I go- in a little more than 12 hours I will be interviewing for another job. This time with Sorenson VRS. I ache to get back in the field of Interpreting for the Deaf. I was not cut out for the "nurse' thing. I enjoy my job a lot at KSD. I just don't have the opportunity to advance or go to day hours- with my current position and certification. So I am stuck in a way.
I miss my hubby and son. But I have incurred bills and am trying to pay them off and I also need the health insurance because of my Type 2 Diabetes.
I am involved with the church- Community of Christ as an Elder- I preside and occasionally preach for church. Now Bud and I are family coordinators.
I teach American Sign Class to families that have deaf children.
I also have family issues in Iowa and so during Spring Break- i have to go up there and help get things straightened out.
Nathan has become a boy- he has his own opinions on things and is very demanding about what he wants and doesn't want.... I still am amazed that I am a mom of a boy. But at the same time- I am not his mom- I rarely see him anymore. I rarely see Bud anymore too.
I am so wanting to crawl into bed with him and put my arm around his belly and listen to him breathe.
I am so tired too. I feel guilty about my work and life schedule.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
500 gallons of air
Sunday- what a day!!! Went to church in Bonner after Nathan begged us in the morning. We were planning on it anyway. It was Bonner's business meeting and you are reading a blog from one of the 2 family coordinators for the congregation (Bud is the other person). We get to plan potlucks and other family events. We are also in charge of dinners for funerals and for arranging flower delivery for deaths, etc.
Anyway- we are in the sanctuary- chillin'. Nathan is in the nursery and I love Bonner because it is like one big family- he and another little girl were in the nursery watching "Rainbow Fish" and all of a sudden - Bob - the pastor gets a bit flustered... I look up from my bulletin and to my right is Nathan- wearing only his shirt and cowboy boots- that's right---1/2 naked!!! He had wet his pants and took them off- On the other side of Nathan is the Superintendent from KSD--- one of my boss's!!! OMGosh!!!! I was so freaked out!!!!
I scooped him up and took him to the bathroom and I had another set of pants and a pull-up. After the service was over- we had a progressive dinner and Nathan's expose' was the topic at each one of the houses!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Ok- I gotta go get the garbage out before the boss comes- I will finish my post about Monster Jam later in the week.
Oh- interview for VRS interpreter happens on Thursday!!! 2.5 hours!!! Wish me luck!
Anyway- we are in the sanctuary- chillin'. Nathan is in the nursery and I love Bonner because it is like one big family- he and another little girl were in the nursery watching "Rainbow Fish" and all of a sudden - Bob - the pastor gets a bit flustered... I look up from my bulletin and to my right is Nathan- wearing only his shirt and cowboy boots- that's right---1/2 naked!!! He had wet his pants and took them off- On the other side of Nathan is the Superintendent from KSD--- one of my boss's!!! OMGosh!!!! I was so freaked out!!!!
I scooped him up and took him to the bathroom and I had another set of pants and a pull-up. After the service was over- we had a progressive dinner and Nathan's expose' was the topic at each one of the houses!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Ok- I gotta go get the garbage out before the boss comes- I will finish my post about Monster Jam later in the week.
Oh- interview for VRS interpreter happens on Thursday!!! 2.5 hours!!! Wish me luck!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Monster Jam part one and more
Valentine's Day- I worked till 8am and then had to get some bloodwork done- for Heart Healthy program at work. I had to fast for 10 hours and we had kids overnight so it was a stressful night- my blood pressure was up, my blood glucose level was up (can't take meds if I don't eat) and I gained back 2 pounds that I had previously lost. But- my cholesterol was in the normal range!!! So that was great news!!! Then I rushed over to Nathan's Preschool "All 4 Kids" for their Valentine's Party. I walked into his room and he said "Ready to go!" I had to convince him to stay for his party. But after making cut out cookies, and playing outside and handing out valentines and playing Valentine Bingo the party was over. Oh yes, my camera broke too! I took him to Burger King (BK) because they have Monster Jam trucks for boys in their kids meals... I decided to go shopping for a new camera- I am addicted to my camera!!! He and I got home at 12:30 and napped till Daddy came home. I lost both boys Valentines' Cards. Then... went to work Thurs night- NO KIDS!!!! So I disinfected the infirmary. Friday morning I high tailed it over to Circuit City to pick up a new camera. It wasn't my first choice- but it works-
Friday afternoon - Bud arrived and we headed East....
to be with the in-laws and on Saturday we OD'd on Monster Jam.
Standing outside the Edward Jones Dome.
Pit Party- Bud and I checkin' out Scarlet Bandit. Dawn Cretin is the driver. She and her husband Jimmy (Bounty Hunter) are from Toganoxie Kansas! This is my new favorite one- next to whichever one Linsey Weenk is driving. ha ha ha!
Nathan's new favorite- Suzuki... He kept his Pull-Up dry the whole day- so mommy went to the merchandise booth and got him a Suzuki truck to play with. He was thrilled!!!
We saw GraveDigger and Maximum Destruction and Monster Mutt, and El Toro Loco, and Escalade. The Escalade driver came into the stadium right by us- got a out of focus picture of him though.
"Long" story- we got pics by all the trucks and then took a break... got on the Metro Link and went to a mall- and ate some supper. Watched some people making fudge and had "candy on a spoon" and then got back on the Metro Link and went back to the Dome. We got into our seats and poor little guy almost fell asleep. His head was nodding and nodding....
---gonna take a break here- look for more monster jam pics and news on the next blog
Friday afternoon - Bud arrived and we headed East....
to be with the in-laws and on Saturday we OD'd on Monster Jam.
We saw GraveDigger and Maximum Destruction and Monster Mutt, and El Toro Loco, and Escalade. The Escalade driver came into the stadium right by us- got a out of focus picture of him though.
"Long" story- we got pics by all the trucks and then took a break... got on the Metro Link and went to a mall- and ate some supper. Watched some people making fudge and had "candy on a spoon" and then got back on the Metro Link and went back to the Dome. We got into our seats and poor little guy almost fell asleep. His head was nodding and nodding....
---gonna take a break here- look for more monster jam pics and news on the next blog
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's 2:58 AM Where are you?
I am at work again (surprise!) and had sign class last night. We went to the Deaf Cultural Center here in Olathe for class. I met another deaf woman who talked and talked to me. She even helped me with a few signs- ha ha ha!!!
Friday night was Scrapbooking!!! My one time a month to "be me!" and we were supposed to be in the small "fireside" room but we had 18 people there!!! I was so excited and again- got very little done. But that is ok. I had a good time.
The last of us- left at 1:30am. I then headed to Wal-Mart to get my grocery shopping done and pick up a few things we needed for the house. I was just "tooling" around the store. I picked up some new haircolor and then a new toilet seat, and I picked up some new Monster Jam trucks for Nathan (coercion for potty training) and then to the scrapbook area- blah blah blah... finally got to the grocery area and picked out what we needed for the next 2 weeks. I then remembered to get a new sleep mask -nathan has done something with mine! And headed to the check out. WOW!! ONE CHECK OUT is open!! I was surprised... I looked at my watch 3:30am. I was thinking I was doing great on time. NO! I get to the car and turn my car key and my radio comes on- the clock shows 4:48am!!! AAAAAAA!!! I get home at 5am!!! Bud wakes up and was surprised to find me just finishing up putting groceries away. I was still wide awake. I sat down to read my Digital Scrapbooking magazine and finally about 6:15am I went to bed. I did not budge until after 10am.
Then I decided to go to the garage and search for my interpreting books. It was freezing in the garage!!! I found a letter my sister wrote me and then I found a note my dad wrote me when I was in college. I was crying... I finally emerged from the freezing air and decided to "create" and I made a display for my room. I haven't taken a picture of it, but will post it when I do.
Sunday- slept in till 10 am again so we did not go to Bonner church. We hung at home. I colored my hair and called Paula and went to the Great Mall. I walked a mile and let Nathan play in the play area.
Went to work on Sunday- quiet, nothing much is new here... tonight though I have 2 kids. Both had been puking. So they will be here for 24 hours. School Rule.
The election is just a bunch of hot air now. IMO. I am still upset that Obama has gotten as far as he has with his "anti-american" attitude. I was watching Extreme Make0ver Home Edition on Sunday which happened to involve a former Iraq Marine. What that flag represents and means to those soldiers- WOW!! I was crying... Yet- we are putting a man who refuses to pledge allegiance to the flag- to have the Star Spangled Banner played at his events- in the limelight!!! What does that say about us- as Americans? Huh???? I am just flabbergasted! I have such little faith in the american people right now. It is by no means a race issue. It doesn't matter if he is black or white. It is un-american to disrespect the flag and what it stands for!!! I'm not 100% convinced that Hillary is our answer either. I was about to turn to "the dark side" and vote Republican with Mitt Romney- but he has dropped out. So- now---- I have no confidence in ANY of our politicians running for President.
Oh- I've gained 2 lbs back as of Tues afternoon. I am so dissapointed in myself. I walked on Sunday but have not been back to Gold's in a week. I have been "snacking" again too. AAAAA!
Valentine's Day morning I go in for a Heart Healthy check. I already know I am a diabetic, and my last blood work in November showed high levels of cholestoral. So I'm not really sure why I am going-except it is free- and the doc wants a new test. I have to fast for 9 hours. Which means I have to eat my supper at 10pm.
Ok- I am so ready for warmer weather. What happened to the "Global Warming" theory? I am so tired of the snow and ice and scraping the windshield and wearing a coat. I hate wearing coats. I own about 5 though. I don't mind hoodies- but winter coats are horrible.
Well- I think I have rambled and rambled enough. I need to take the garbage out and check on the kiddos. Maybe tomorrow I will write? Like anyone reads this anyway?????
Friday, February 8, 2008
deep thoughts...
so- much... so much on my plate right now (not food wise- for once!) I don't know how it happens but it does. I know it isn't fair to the people I love- but deep down- it is how I survive. If I stop I am afraid I will stop forever. I don't want that to happen.
I have a full schedule again. I am back working overtime- which I love!!! I really truly love my job at KSD. I love the people I work with. Hubby and son both are in bed by 10:30. I am so bored waiting around till midnight. So I like going in at 9 and getting all the chores done early and having the rest of my night to myself.
I am scrapbooking tomorrow night! I am excited about it this month. We have a gal coming from Creative Memories. We will have over 15 gals there too! I may get more than 2 pages done- woo hoo! Although I did some scrapbooking at work this week. I put the pictures on the papers but left all my embellishments in the car. Started digital scrapping again too. Last month I only did a few pages last month.
Made it through the weekend- a year ago my dad died. Sunday was a bit emotional. Right as the Super Bowl kick-off happened last year he took his last breath. I miss him so much. I try to have my crying times during the day while I am alone at home. I did break down at home for a tiny bit on Sunday. Then again at work talking to Judy. But it was short. I know my dad is in a far better place and no longer in pain.
Back to my schedule... The last week of February I am interviewing (again) to become a Video Relay Interpreter. I really hope I pass their 2.5 hour interview!!! If I do I am going to work there part-time during school breaks and summer-
I am going to Wichita to learn a software program that we will begin using here at KSD in the Infirmary. My boss and another nurse and myself are staying in a Penthouse (one night only) while we are there.
Next weekend is Monster Jam! I know Nathan will freak out!!! I will post pictures when we get back.
I sat down here to write a really deep thoughtful blog and it turns into some kind of diary instead...
oh- one good thing... after 2 years of working with the congregation in Lawrence Kansas.... I am officially "done" with my role there as a facilitator in a program they were part of. A pilot program to redesign their congregation. I am a bit disheartened by it- not because it is over, but because the final outcome was nowhere near the final outcome that the project had planned. So now I have to write a report and present it to the First Presidency and to our Mission Center President and it just hurts my heart... I wanted this to succeed so much- but I guess it wasn't in the cards.
Summer time--- June is my 20 year high school class reunion. July I am working at a camp for deaf kids, then working at SPEC - a leadership camp for kids in Lamoni, Iowa and then I am going to a week of training for my ministry work... So nathan will be out of school for 3 weeks. I also have to figure out how to pick him up from St. Louis and get to Spec and him dropped off in Iowa.... but I have a few more months to get that problem solved.
Well, I am tired... maybe I will be more "inspirational" or something next time.
I have a full schedule again. I am back working overtime- which I love!!! I really truly love my job at KSD. I love the people I work with. Hubby and son both are in bed by 10:30. I am so bored waiting around till midnight. So I like going in at 9 and getting all the chores done early and having the rest of my night to myself.
I am scrapbooking tomorrow night! I am excited about it this month. We have a gal coming from Creative Memories. We will have over 15 gals there too! I may get more than 2 pages done- woo hoo! Although I did some scrapbooking at work this week. I put the pictures on the papers but left all my embellishments in the car. Started digital scrapping again too. Last month I only did a few pages last month.
Made it through the weekend- a year ago my dad died. Sunday was a bit emotional. Right as the Super Bowl kick-off happened last year he took his last breath. I miss him so much. I try to have my crying times during the day while I am alone at home. I did break down at home for a tiny bit on Sunday. Then again at work talking to Judy. But it was short. I know my dad is in a far better place and no longer in pain.
Back to my schedule... The last week of February I am interviewing (again) to become a Video Relay Interpreter. I really hope I pass their 2.5 hour interview!!! If I do I am going to work there part-time during school breaks and summer-
I am going to Wichita to learn a software program that we will begin using here at KSD in the Infirmary. My boss and another nurse and myself are staying in a Penthouse (one night only) while we are there.
Next weekend is Monster Jam! I know Nathan will freak out!!! I will post pictures when we get back.
I sat down here to write a really deep thoughtful blog and it turns into some kind of diary instead...
oh- one good thing... after 2 years of working with the congregation in Lawrence Kansas.... I am officially "done" with my role there as a facilitator in a program they were part of. A pilot program to redesign their congregation. I am a bit disheartened by it- not because it is over, but because the final outcome was nowhere near the final outcome that the project had planned. So now I have to write a report and present it to the First Presidency and to our Mission Center President and it just hurts my heart... I wanted this to succeed so much- but I guess it wasn't in the cards.
Summer time--- June is my 20 year high school class reunion. July I am working at a camp for deaf kids, then working at SPEC - a leadership camp for kids in Lamoni, Iowa and then I am going to a week of training for my ministry work... So nathan will be out of school for 3 weeks. I also have to figure out how to pick him up from St. Louis and get to Spec and him dropped off in Iowa.... but I have a few more months to get that problem solved.
Well, I am tired... maybe I will be more "inspirational" or something next time.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Finally February!
What a week... still working overtime. Had to cancel Sign Class on Tuesday because of weather. I was super sick most of the week too- had a hard time breathing and was coughing and runny nose- the whole shibang! I didn't walk or workout except for last friday. But believe it or not I lost 4 pounds!!!!
My diabetic med finally showed up in the mail. It is an increase- but it means I don't take a pill with dinner. It gave me horrible headaches this week on top of my other illness.
Had to cancel my interview for VRS. Hoping they got my email and will reschedule me. I was so sick Thursday night- and Friday. Still not 100% but more about 97%. ha ha ha
Nathan is driving me crazy right now. He has Bigfoot Monster Truck on the brain! That is all we hear! He is having bathroom accidents at home all the time too- he is regressing. Not sure if it is because my schedule changed again or what? Either way- it is making me absolutely CRAZY!!!
Can't wait for the warmer weather- but looking at the forecast supposed to snow again on Tuesday- perfect- that is Sign Class and Thursday I am in Lawrence for a meeting for church.
Gotta get back to working out again- so I can keep this 4 pounds off! I am petrified that I will gain it back. After not losing any the first week and then all of a sudden 4 lbs- WOW!!!!
OOPs- Son's pillow and bed-friend bug is still in the wash- it is 10:30pm --- he won't be able to sleep without it...
Better go- I'll update again more later.
My diabetic med finally showed up in the mail. It is an increase- but it means I don't take a pill with dinner. It gave me horrible headaches this week on top of my other illness.
Had to cancel my interview for VRS. Hoping they got my email and will reschedule me. I was so sick Thursday night- and Friday. Still not 100% but more about 97%. ha ha ha
Nathan is driving me crazy right now. He has Bigfoot Monster Truck on the brain! That is all we hear! He is having bathroom accidents at home all the time too- he is regressing. Not sure if it is because my schedule changed again or what? Either way- it is making me absolutely CRAZY!!!
Can't wait for the warmer weather- but looking at the forecast supposed to snow again on Tuesday- perfect- that is Sign Class and Thursday I am in Lawrence for a meeting for church.
Gotta get back to working out again- so I can keep this 4 pounds off! I am petrified that I will gain it back. After not losing any the first week and then all of a sudden 4 lbs- WOW!!!!
OOPs- Son's pillow and bed-friend bug is still in the wash- it is 10:30pm --- he won't be able to sleep without it...
Better go- I'll update again more later.
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