I am at work again (surprise!) and had sign class last night. We went to the Deaf Cultural Center here in Olathe for class. I met another deaf woman who talked and talked to me. She even helped me with a few signs- ha ha ha!!!
Friday night was Scrapbooking!!! My one time a month to "be me!" and we were supposed to be in the small "fireside" room but we had 18 people there!!! I was so excited and again- got very little done. But that is ok. I had a good time.
The last of us- left at 1:30am. I then headed to Wal-Mart to get my grocery shopping done and pick up a few things we needed for the house. I was just "tooling" around the store. I picked up some new haircolor and then a new toilet seat, and I picked up some new Monster Jam trucks for Nathan (coercion for potty training) and then to the scrapbook area- blah blah blah... finally got to the grocery area and picked out what we needed for the next 2 weeks. I then remembered to get a new sleep mask -nathan has done something with mine! And headed to the check out. WOW!! ONE CHECK OUT is open!! I was surprised... I looked at my watch 3:30am. I was thinking I was doing great on time. NO! I get to the car and turn my car key and my radio comes on- the clock shows 4:48am!!! AAAAAAA!!! I get home at 5am!!! Bud wakes up and was surprised to find me just finishing up putting groceries away. I was still wide awake. I sat down to read my Digital Scrapbooking magazine and finally about 6:15am I went to bed. I did not budge until after 10am.
Then I decided to go to the garage and search for my interpreting books. It was freezing in the garage!!! I found a letter my sister wrote me and then I found a note my dad wrote me when I was in college. I was crying... I finally emerged from the freezing air and decided to "create" and I made a display for my room. I haven't taken a picture of it, but will post it when I do.
Sunday- slept in till 10 am again so we did not go to Bonner church. We hung at home. I colored my hair and called Paula and went to the Great Mall. I walked a mile and let Nathan play in the play area.
Went to work on Sunday- quiet, nothing much is new here... tonight though I have 2 kids. Both had been puking. So they will be here for 24 hours. School Rule.
The election is just a bunch of hot air now. IMO. I am still upset that Obama has gotten as far as he has with his "anti-american" attitude. I was watching Extreme Make0ver Home Edition on Sunday which happened to involve a former Iraq Marine. What that flag represents and means to those soldiers- WOW!! I was crying... Yet- we are putting a man who refuses to pledge allegiance to the flag- to have the Star Spangled Banner played at his events- in the limelight!!! What does that say about us- as Americans? Huh???? I am just flabbergasted! I have such little faith in the american people right now. It is by no means a race issue. It doesn't matter if he is black or white. It is un-american to disrespect the flag and what it stands for!!! I'm not 100% convinced that Hillary is our answer either. I was about to turn to "the dark side" and vote Republican with Mitt Romney- but he has dropped out. So- now---- I have no confidence in ANY of our politicians running for President.
Oh- I've gained 2 lbs back as of Tues afternoon. I am so dissapointed in myself. I walked on Sunday but have not been back to Gold's in a week. I have been "snacking" again too. AAAAA!
Valentine's Day morning I go in for a Heart Healthy check. I already know I am a diabetic, and my last blood work in November showed high levels of cholestoral. So I'm not really sure why I am going-except it is free- and the doc wants a new test. I have to fast for 9 hours. Which means I have to eat my supper at 10pm.
Ok- I am so ready for warmer weather. What happened to the "Global Warming" theory? I am so tired of the snow and ice and scraping the windshield and wearing a coat. I hate wearing coats. I own about 5 though. I don't mind hoodies- but winter coats are horrible.
Well- I think I have rambled and rambled enough. I need to take the garbage out and check on the kiddos. Maybe tomorrow I will write? Like anyone reads this anyway?????
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