Well- I left work today to head over to the new job to exchange some books I borrowed that I needed to study for my upcoming exam- and my "Check Engine" light is on and my engine is riding real rough. So I change my mind... I go home.
I can't sleep because I am worried about my car. It is just a hunk of metal right? Not my car!!! This car I bought on my own. I did it while my parents were on vacation back in 2000. This is the car that faithfully took me to Iowa and back hundreds of times when my sister was so ill and when my mom had her accident, and when I needed "to go home!" I love this car!!!

I get teased about this car- because it is a station wagon- but I love this car!!! My son loves it now because it is a Suzuki. His favorite monster truck this week is Suzuki!!
Anyway- I didn't sleep. I took it to the repair shop down the street. It is in major disrepair! It is going to cost $3000 to get it up and running properly. This car of mine- has 138,000 miles on it. It is a 1998. So I thought about it long and hard and talked to Bud- but Bud was not thrilled.
I went car shopping!!! I went back to where I got my Suzuki. Everything was too expensive or too small. So I thanked the seller, and went to another dealer. I saw online this place had a mini-van. Now- I really didn't want to look at mini-vans but it was in the price range. The mileage wasn't great on it... But anyway- I find out later it is sold. But the dealer here is working really hard on selling a 2006 Ford Taurus. This one has 24,000 miles on it!!! It is in my price range I think... I get over to the credit department to apply for the loan for it and of course it is 6pm so the banks are all closed. I am really sweating now!!!!
I hope I can get this loan- I hope I can afford it!!! I am needing to go to Iowa a few times this summer. I need reliable transportation!
I am a bit nervous about this whole deal. It is a big financial purchase for me. I am still trying to get out debt from when Bud and I were not working. We really don't need a car payment right now!!! But life hands you lemons- you gotta make lemonade - right?
-That's all for now!
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