Well it is getting late- I will end this with my own advice to myself.
A place for personal reflections, schema of life and observations of the one and only spluuugirl
Well, this is me- and Darren Simpsonized! There is a cool website where you can get simpsonized too! http://www.simpsonizeme.com/ but right now it is busy. I am trying to do Bud's - but the site is down right this minute. I will post Bud's when I get it done. I will do Nathan's too.
One last week of CNA training. Final on Tuesday and State Boards on Friday. I also have a 5-10 minute report on Meniere's Disease.
No Nathan starting on Saturday!!! Bud and I are going to PARTY!!!! We will probably end up seeing "Hot Rod" the movie and going out once.
Sunday I am giving my first sermon at Bonner Springs. I have to do some work on that for sure.
So, I have a few things to do in the next few days. I am also still trying to move out of the basement. It has been hard with Nathan in the house- and so next week- I go to KSD on Monday and so the rest of the week will be moving and cleaning and decluttering.
Here is our little man all Simpsonized!!! Isn't he cute?
Well- we are having a huge BLOCK PARTY tonight and I have to get ready for it.
Nathan is still napping- so I am going to get some of the prep work done now!!!!
Till something else happens in our lives???
Here I am at work- my new job. I am an overnight person for the infirmary at KSD.
What does that mean? It means that if I want a job doing this next year I have to get a CNA certificate.
Problem- CNA program at JCCC is full for the summer!
So I have to go in and talk to them about working in the fall and going to school in the fall at the same time!
Hubby likes the idea of me working 12-8am - he gets all the covers to himself. I have been told by several people once I get my CNA I can go work anywhere... but I really want to continue at KSD. Yes- I would definitely prefer to be teaching- but I don't have the $$$ or the time to get my teaching certificate. AAAAAA!!!! Who knew at age 37 I would be going through this AGAIN! The job at the infirmary makes good money- and I would be full-time so I would get my health insurance - that I can't get right now because of my diabetes. AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Anywhoo- for anyone out there really reading this-
Yep- Nathan is definitely up to something! What we don't know? He has been a "brat" lately!!! Kinda makes me a bit nervous about this summer- not working- except with him! ha ha ha! Oh- the joys of motherhood!
I started working in the infirmary at KSD this week. I have been consuming the QT version of Red Bull- ROOSTER BOOSTER to stay awake all night. I only have 14 more nights of this so I'm not worried about the effects. I am averaging 4 hours of sleep each day so far- NOT GOOD! So I hope my body gets used to this soon!
I haven't been too creative lately. I only did 8 pages at the scrap retreat a few weeks ago. But i am looking forward to teh 18th- when i get to scrap with those wonderful ladies again.
Getting ready for my first sermon in awhile- on Mother's Day. I have most of it written. I have free time at work to do such things.
Well- gonna go try and get some R&R until I pick up Nathan
Darren and I treating ourselves to dinner out without "Little Man" at the restaurant inside the Bass Pro Shop here in Olathe, KS.
The food was interesting. We ate alligator! We told them it was our anniversary and they gave us free dessert- key lime pie! Service was great!
After that was - on the road to Lansing, KS- to spend the weekend. We drove back and forth between Lansing and Leavenworth the whole weekend. It was a semi-decent weekend weather wise... a bit breezy though!
We saw downtown Leavenworth- we saw Ft. Leavenworth (military base-not the prison) and we went to the Lansing Museum, and the CW Parker Carousel Museum too! We even rode on the carousel after the tour- I took pictures of Bud riding on it, but he took a picture and cut off my head!!! ARGH!!! There was a really cool sculpture in town too- I took pictures of that.
Then after all the excitement was over- we were reminded- we were parents of a little boy- who was coughing and had a fever at Grammy and Grampy's place... so Sunday morning we packed up and headed back to MO to get him. By the time we got there- he was doing a minimal amount of coughing- and was so energetic! He had an Easter Egg Hunt at Nanny and Papa's too!