Monday, December 31, 2007

The end of 2007

What do I say... but "where has the year gone?" It seems like just a few months ago Bud was unemployed and I was making negative amounts in my paycheck (thank you Great Bend School District) and my dad was sick and in the hospital and expected to get sent home any day.
Nathan is a joy- he is truly a creation that only God could have sent us. I feel very blessed to be his momma. He fills our home with laughter and most times- complete awe-ness of what he will do or say next.
Personally, I don't care if I ever see "CARS" the movie ever again, but I think with a 3 year old boy in the house that isn't going to happen anytime soon. hee hee! I am also thankful for his preschool- ALL 4 KIDS. I love it- he has a wonderful teacher "Ms. Brandy" who is very patient and has a lot of kids but does a great job! Nathan likes her too. The best part is he is getting his Christian Education there. He is learning about God and the wonderful world He created everyday. Nathan has been praying too, and mostly it is for his mommy and daddy and his Thomas Sippy Cup. But that is beginning to change to his Grammy and PaPa.
Thank you Nathan for beginning the POTTY Business!!! Mommy is thrilled! Keep it up!

BUD- Oops sorry I did not fix the red-eye first!
Bud, I love ya. I love you more! I hope in 2008 we can become closer as husband and wife. I think the past 2 years have been very rough and we are reaching the other side- slowly but we are still trodding though all of this- we can make it! It is just going to have to take more work, and more time. I don't ever want to lose you- to anyone else (like the neighbors) or to some other reason. I want to be your spluuuwife till my death! I miss "our" time a lot. I hate that our house is such a mess. I hate that we argue, and I hate that we sleep in different cycles. These past few nights have been so wonderful. I love holding your belly and listening to you breathe under the flannel sheets and yes-laying my head on your pillow so I can do that. I love that. I never knew what a good snuggle under the covers was until I crawled into the bed with you that first time.

Day-od (Day-odd) I miss you so much. Especially on days like today. I could always call you and you would get me out of my funk. You showed me the sun (Son) a lot of times. Who knew when that picture was taken that a year later- you would be on your way out of this earthly world? I can't cry- you are in a much better place. You are free from needles, and pain, and medicines, and doctors, and the wondering when it will end. You faced your death head on- and although we thought (selfishly) that it was not the right time. You and God knew it was the right time. I know you are watching us from above, and you see all the good you have done in this world, and because of your good. Northwest Congregation in Des Moines Iowa, named their Christmas Tree (which you bought when you were Pastor) the Jerry Tree. I wish I could have seen it this year, I am sure it was beautiful. Love ya daddy!

David Wayno- What do I say to you as I put an end on this year? PLEASE! You have such potential and such gifts and yet- dwell on the negative and personally I am disapointed in your past year- But you know what? I still love you and will always love you. It is my hope that in 2008 you become more responsible and get back to the caring young man you were before. You can go far- you can become a cop, you can do whatever you want- but you can't do it- sleeping all day, or ignoring your Gram, or not caring about others. Ok enough preaching!
You need to learn how to WIN UNO!!! ha ha ha!! I love playing games with you. Not because I always win- but because I get to spend time with you. Soon you will move out and go to college and have a life of your own- and I will miss you. I miss you when I am in Kansas. But I know that God has a plan for you and if you are wise- you will follow it and grow up and be a wonderful David Wayne!!!! Your Mom is watching you, and so is Grandpa. They are watching out for you too.
Steven Kip... Thanks for being my big brother. I could not have made it through this year without you. You were really the "man" for the Gordens this year. I know it hasn't been easy for you, and you are struggling on "what you want to be when you grow up." But be patient. That is something I have had to learn in my 38 years on this earth. The waiting is the worst. I wish you success in 2008. Even if you are a bit redneckish and proud of it!! ha ha ha!!!

My Mom! I know you probably will never even see this- but I want the world to know what a great mom I have. I am thankful for her everyday. Without her I would have never gone to Alabama, I never would have become an Interpreter, I never would have moved to Kansas. I owe my whole life experience to her!! She has a beautiful ministry with people. She gets frustrated at times with them, but in the end she is a tool that brings out their gifts and lets them shine- while she stands in the back- sharing in their joys and successes. That is a gift! She is emotional at times- but who isn't at age 70 and with the experiences she has gone through. It is ok to cry mom! It is ok to shut yourself in a room and have "me time" and it is more than ok to tell others to leave you alone. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you (you birthed me!) and you showed me "the way." I hope that in 2008 you learn to be good to yourself!
Lindsay and Nathan- I couldn't be happier for the two of you (soon to be 3 of you!) I was so honored to be asked to be a part of your special day. I am still in awe that we know you Lindsay! I can't tell you enough- how we missed you all those years.
My wish for you both is that in 2008 your love blooms even more! With a little one in the house that is part of both of you- it will change things. But remember that little person is an outward expression of your love for each other. Be in awe of that little creature. I can't wait to meet him (right? a boy?) as I am sure you can't wait either. Continue to communicate with each other. Share in the daily joys and sorrows together. Keep on loving each other even when it is hard to do so and you will succeed in this marriage business.
Well it is getting late- I will end this with my own advice to myself.
Sherry- be careful- take care of your body- and your health- and your family in 2008. Take time to write, and create and have "me time." Take care of your boys- love them and care for them. It will be a new chapter in Genesis moments.
Till 2008- thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ok- I thought I posted a lot more than that- guess I haven't... Guess it is time for an update.

Went to the eye doctor- no damage!

Went to Endocrinologist- new drug - Byetta! It makes me go low and it curbs my hunger!

Saw Santa---Nathan had him all to himself. We love this Santa- he knew I was prego before I was!!! Had the Christmas with the IN-LAWS Check out my mother in laws face!

Had Christmas with her family as well. MORE stuff to bring home- Yay!!! Nathan got a new coat from Aunt Tori.

We are definitely going to put it to use later today when we head up to Iowa.

Our Christmas here in Kansas...

Gotta love the hair- huh? Got my "bling bling" tattoos and my hair dryer from the hubby. Check out my late (that's ok) Birthday card from my hubby and son too- it is the giant Spongebob on the tree.
Well- I need to go switch clothes in the dryer- so I can get out of here and head to Iowa... will post more later... I promise (like anyone reads this blog anyway...)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Confessions of a mommy to one...

It is 5 min. to 5am. I am so tired!!! I am very happy that it is Friday. I do have an appointment at 10am today though. I would love to go home early but I already filled out my time sheet showing me working till 8am. AAAAAA!
I need to "suck it up" as my dad would say and just get through this morning. I can sleep later. I am taking Nathan to go see Santa today after his nap. I will try to remember to post pictures later.
Bud and I ate turkey pizza for the second night this week. It was still ok. Nathan put his nose up to it and said "not yet." He has been eating salads at restaurants lately. So I fixed him a spinach salad tonight and made sure to put Ranch dressing on it. He took one bite and spit it out and said "I don't like it!!!" "It is STINKY!" and he waved his hand in front of his nose!!! What a little devil! (But he is my devil!) Go figure!
Wed night he came down to the basement wearing a sweatshirt and his NASCAR big kid underwear and he stood in the doorway of the laundry/bath room and said "HEY MOMMA!" This is a kid that goes limp when you have to dress him. Here he had done it all himself!
It is so hard to believe that - he is our son. He is growing into such a person! But really I wouldn't have it any other way.
Two of my best friends just had babies in the last month. Yes, about 5% of me wanted to join them in the pregnancy and be a mommy again. But really the 95% of me left- was quite glad that - I don't have to go through all of that again. I can't wait to be finished with diapers and sippy cups! I can't wait until I have a kid that I can take to places and not have to keep an eye on all the time making sure they stay out of trouble and not run away. I am happy for no more formula and bottles. I am thrilled at no more carrying the car seat in and out of the car, and using a stroller everywhere. I am all grins at the growth that Nathan has fostered in the past few months. I just can't wait for the next life growth for him.
I am happy that I can comfortably leave my child at preschool for the day. I can work outside the home and help provide for him and my husband. I have so much more freedom since Nathan turned into a preschooler. He has learned how to entertain himself too- I no longer have to be the one to keep him occupied. He has lots and lots of monster trucks and ramps (thanks to PaPa) and he can look at his books and run the DVD player- all by himself! I am THRILLED to be at this place and stage of his life.
It is time I start to take care of myself as well. I have begun the journey back to health. I see the Diabetes educator in a few hours. I see a nutritionist in 2 weeks. I see the eye doctor in 3. I have been horrible to myself and can feel it. Now that my sugars are dropping to a normal range I am feeling much different. Not sure yet whether it is a good feeling- but for my health it is a good thing.
OH NO!!! Ice for this weekend. I digress...
Well- it is after 5 am now. I have to put the computer away, and put the dishes away and make the coffee. Wait till the clock strikes 8!!!!
Have a good one!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend- 2007

Ok I cooked my first turkey this year. Neither of the boys ate it though! They liked the side dishes better. GO FIGURE!!!

After lunch we put the Christmas tree up and decorated it. Nathan put his Home Depot and Lowe's decoration on the tree and 30 minutes later- they were off the tree - Whatever!

Then I did laundry and went to bed by 9:30. Why? So I could go shopping on Friday morning- the first time I have ever gone on "BLACK FRIDAY."

Mind you, we do not have a lot of money to do Christmas shopping yet, and earlier this week I had to replace 2 tires on my car. I also got word they are going to add insulin to my meds... so yes, money was an issue- but I still went. I went to Wal-Mart at 4:30am and got my CRICUT machine- (my Christmas present to myself) and I got Nathan's new Leap Pad. I also picked up a couple of small stuff for the stockings. After 8am I went to Hobby Lobby. I only bought a new 8x8 scrapbook and refills and new Candy Canes for the countdown to Christmas calendar. I then went home- did laundry and packed and we headed to Wentzville to go to Grammy's and PaPa's. I did sleep on the way there.

This morning (Sat) we went to the Winery in Hermann, Missouri for lunch and then to the Pea Ridge Tree Farm to get the tree for Grammy and PaPa's house. We met up with Chauntelle and Seth and their son Jacob. Jacob and Nathan had a blast!!!! Going to the restaurant at the Stone Hill Winery.

Then to the tree farm!

The FAMOUS CHOP-CHOP!!! The boys did a great job of sharing it. I gotta get more pictures from Grammy - looks for the second installment soon!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November .... AAAAAAAA!!!! and Boxette

Well - today would have been my sister's 47th birthday. But she left this earth almost 5 years ago.

We have done absolutely NOTHING this weekend. To tell you the truth- it is pure heaven. I did do some sorting of my scrapbook supplies. That is all...

Nathan actually went potty once yesterday. None the rest of the day. None TODAY!! AAA!!! I can't wait until "he gets it!"

He is going to start full-time at preschool the week of Thanksgiving. He covered himself in Vicks Vapor Rub on Tuesday when I was sleeping! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Heading to Iowa for my birthday on Friday.

Well- that is all I really want to say right now... Not too wordy today... Not feelin' it. Oh yes- my Scrapbook website on Scrap Outside the Box - is having this cool activity. We signed up to have one of their trademark bears visit us for awhile. I have "Boxette" visiting right now. This is my page about her arrival. So stay tuned for more of Boxette's visit to Olathe!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

These are in the order we visited them... The first one is found at the Olathe Daily News and the Second one is at the Olathe Library downtown.

The one to the left is at KSD where I work! I know the woman that designed it and put it together.
This one is from "THE GRASS PAD" Where they are high on grass!
Ok I gotta upload the rest later- this blogger thingy is giving me fits!!!! It is having trouble uploading my pictures again... Stop by again sometime real soon!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Olathe Kansas Home of the Cowboy Boot!

Yes, I live in Olathe, KS. We have lived here for almost 5 years. They are celebrating their 150th Anniversary and asked businesses to design a cowboy boot to display all over town. Why? The Cowboy Boot was invented in Olathe. By Mr. Hyer. He even employed several deaf people in his warehouse. Pretty cool- I think!!!!
So, the boots are getting ready to be auctioned off- so we thought we would go and take the Boot Tour across town. We missed one- one is MISSING!! I have been all over the internet looking for information on it- but can't find anything out... I had originally scheduled the family to go on the "tour" last weekend but hubby was pouty and tired.
Anyway- here you go- all but one of them!
Ok-blogger is having problems loading the pics... will post again later.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bored... Bored...Bored

Here I am outside on Catalpa. None of the kids are out- because out of the 3 others in the neighborhood- 2 are in school. There is a cool breeze upon us as we hang out in our driveway- Nathan and I.

I got off work at 8am as usual and ended up passed out on the couch by 9 and slept till 11. Not a whole lot of hours but enough to get me to 1 or 2pm which is when I can pass out in my bed.

Work was boring last night. We had the weekend off- so not a whole lot of kids were on campus. So- not even cleaning needed done. I got out the ol' laptop and tried to learn some new things on Photoshop CS3 but it just wasn't clicking. I went into the office and surfed on the computer but nothing really hooked me. I ended up playing Bookworm on my Blackberry from 4-6:30am when my boss showed up. I did read one of my SIL People magazines. I learned that Halle Barry has type 2 diabetes. Her pregnancy will be a lot like mine was.

Now it is October 16th. Half the month is gone. Our money is gone till Friday I can't even take Nathan for a lunch to McDonalds... stupid bills. Our trip to Manhattan won't happen till Spring. Not sure when- cuz we need a 3 day weekend and Bud doesn't have one in the Spring. So I am bummed about that part. I am also bummed cuz my 38th Birthday was supposed to be our Manhattan trip. So I am sad about that part of it too.

Nathan got a Powerwheels for being the grandson. He drives with his left foot. He drives into their garage door and whatever else he can. He can't coordinate his feet and his hands on the steering wheel. He just needs practice. Still no potty training happening either and it driving me insane. He doesn't care about Grave Digger anymore. He just gets under my skin!!!!!!
Well- it is 12:30pm so I probably need to take him in and feed him some lunch so we can all take a nap!!! Maybe I won't be so critical and grouchy after words... yes...right!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Here are some of my pages..

Most of my pages involve files from although occasionally I pull files from and But someday I hope to learn how to make my own kits- especially those related to "boys." I have frantically been looking for a "monster truck" themed kit- but have been unable to find one that I like. I found a great race kit from Katie Mann at SOTB.. I used that one on the Homey Depot page. Here is another one I used the same kit on....

This was from a challenge a while back - on my indulges. At the time I was totally addicted to Mortal Kombat. This is another aspect of SPLUUUGIRL!!!
Here is just a taste of my creativity at this point in time- someday I will put my drawings up. But not just yet.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Who is Spluuu?

1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No, but my mom would tell me I was named Sherry because it rhymed with Jerry (my Dad's name).
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? a couple of days ago, while changing Nathan's diaper he kicked me and the heel of his foot landed on my mouth- pretty painful!!!
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? I would say, I really don't fret over my handwriting. It has changed quite a bit over the years, as my hand cramps up easier since getting my interpreting injury in '95.
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? hmm... have to be ham- but only with swiss cheese. I am getting pickier, and pickier in my old age.
5. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? I would definitely be YELLOW!!! That color rocks!!! It would be a bright yellow- not a dirty one or a greenish yellow.
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? occasionally when the moment strikes me.
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? yes, they wanted to take them out when I was a child, but I had epilepsy at the time, so they were scared I would seize on the table - so I still got 'em and still get Strep and Tonsilitus as an adult. YEAH!
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Wanna see a grown woman wet her pants? NO WAY!!!
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Frosted Mini-Wheats - gotta get my fiber!
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? no- I usually wear clog type shoes or those that slip right off. Not big into the whole untieing business.
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Internally- yes --- physically, depends
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Moose Tracks - no sugar added
15. RED OR PINK? Red but occasionally I have those "girl" moments where pink is nice.
16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? my weight and my money management skills.
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My dad and sister equally- didn't really get a chance to say all I wanted to - to either of them before they left this earth. But I know I will see them again and we can chat forever then! (Shelly- the last Christmas she really felt well- she made me dress up like Rudolph and go to her son's school!) My dad and Nathan. My dad was the director of the military museum and they did a drawing of each director- this is them- checking out my dad's! I cherish this picture so much!
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I’m posting it on my blog and curious to see what happens.
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS, AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Blue scrub pants and my white nursing shoes (slip ons!)
20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? reheated leftover cinnamon chip pancakes and sausage.
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? the hum of my laptop and someone outside opening and closing their car doors. Nathan is at pre-school!!!
22. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? um... yes!
23. FAVORITE SMELL? BBQ and my hubby's deodorant when he starts to sweat.
24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Christine from T-Mobile I needed to get a bundle on my text messages added to my services- been texting way to much lately.
25. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Yes, he is a very creative and inspiring person. Kinda cute too.
26. SHOWER OR BATH? Shower- don't want to sit in my dirty water.
27. HAIR COLOR? right now- hmm.. brown with some gray in it. I need some Miss Clairol BADLY!!!
28. EYE COLOR? green
30. FAVORITE FOOD? Italian! and Famous Dave's BBQ
31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy Endings (Romantic Comedies really)
32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Hot Rod at the theatres, Snoopy Come Home - DVD at home.
34. SUMMER OR WINTER? really I like Fall. But if I have to pick one- Winter cuz we stay home more.
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? College Football or KC CHIEFS football. Oh and World's Strongest Man... with my son it is NASCAR (is that a real sport though?)

37. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? No one cuz no one reads this!
39. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? "Take Your Time, Finding Balance in a Hurried World" (which is overdue at the library-oops Guess I was taking my time!) and "God Is A Laughing Matter" by Julia Cameron.
40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Don't have one- I am on a laptop.
42. FAVORITE SOUND? My son singing his "abc's" and him laughing. Oh and my hubby's famous Fred Flintstone laugh. It make my heart melt.
43. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES?neither- give me some Bon Jovi! or Michael Blu'ble (however you spell his last name!)
44. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? Grand Cayman Islands in the summer of 1995.
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? I don't think so.
46. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Des Moines Iowa - at a hospital that is no longer there.
48. WHAT IS YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Beth- no comment
49. IF YOU COULD CHANGE YOUR NAME (NOT INCLUDING YOUR LAST NAME), WHAT WOULD IT BE? I would pick...hmm... Mindy... hmm.. maybe not.
50. WHAT IS YOUR ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE??? STAR WARS TRILOGY- I know that is 6 movies- but I bundle them up in one package. They are so "right on" for me philosophically and I have learned so much from them. Plus I think we all have our own dark side at times.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Yep- More breathing happening here

I passed my final with a 92%!!! My State Boards- I am still waiting to hear. I ended up taking that exam on a DayQuil haze.

I am back at work full-time. I really enjoy it! I haven't had to do a whole lot of "Nursing Assistance" - mainly I do a lot of the nurses paperwork and hand out band-aids. Which is fine by me. I need more practice on the blood pressure and stuff anyway.

Nathan and I went to the Iowa State Fair! We had an "Ok" time. He was wiped out by 2pm. I missed the butter cow! We were so busy seeing everything else. We went alone. Bud stayed home in KS and David Wayne stayed in BED!!!!
Next year hopefully Nathan is a bit better and sticking around me- in public. We will enjoy it even more!
In a few days- I am leaving for Prairie du Chien Wisconsin! Why? I am officiating my neice's wedding... I am so excited! I got the program put together and my part all done last night while I was at work (it is the quietest place to work!)
I need to call Bud's doctor... will blog more later.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Awwwwww Breathing is good...

I am so- procrastinating my studying for my final tomorrow for my CNA class!!! I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.
I didn't sleep good last night- Bud has a horrible horrible sinus problem due to allergies right now and he snored in my ear! So- since nathan is gone- I am sleeping in his room!
Had the block party- will talk about that at a later time- it was quite the event!!! Can't go into all the detail here- because of confidentiality issues- but at the end of the night- we had an ambulance and a firetruck and the police on the block. The police were on our block more than once!
That is all for now... Will blog more later. Eye lids are closing...fingers are getting slower.....
-night night!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Well, this is me- and Darren Simpsonized! There is a cool website where you can get simpsonized too! but right now it is busy. I am trying to do Bud's - but the site is down right this minute. I will post Bud's when I get it done. I will do Nathan's too.

One last week of CNA training. Final on Tuesday and State Boards on Friday. I also have a 5-10 minute report on Meniere's Disease.

No Nathan starting on Saturday!!! Bud and I are going to PARTY!!!! We will probably end up seeing "Hot Rod" the movie and going out once.

Sunday I am giving my first sermon at Bonner Springs. I have to do some work on that for sure.

So, I have a few things to do in the next few days. I am also still trying to move out of the basement. It has been hard with Nathan in the house- and so next week- I go to KSD on Monday and so the rest of the week will be moving and cleaning and decluttering.

Here is our little man all Simpsonized!!! Isn't he cute?

Well- we are having a huge BLOCK PARTY tonight and I have to get ready for it.

Nathan is still napping- so I am going to get some of the prep work done now!!!!

Till something else happens in our lives???

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Birthday week!

Nathan's Birthday Cake from Gram Gorden on the 4th of July.
Ice Cream at Chevy's on his real birthday!
Birthday Pie on Friday (sorry it is out of order!)
Birthday Cake from Grammy and Grampa Long

My son- turned 3 on Saturday July 3rd. He had parties all week! Poor kid!

The finale- Hooter's on Monday on our way home. No he did not make this one up. We actually did this for him on his 3rd Birthday!

This week I started Clinicals and it was ok... I can't wait to get this job at KSD though. I like kids a lot better than older people. I struggle with this kind of community. I know that it is good for older people but- I just don't enjoy being there (honestly!) The time did go fast.

A friend of the Long's - the Buie's lost their 9 month old daughter on Monday night. I am very sorry for their loss. But Savannah is in a much better place now. It saddened us deeply though.
We never met Savannah- but still loved her.

Well- better get back to cleaning- my job 24/7 since hubby is working and Nathan is a 3 yr old now. I am sick and tired of it all. I want to chuck it all and start over!!! But we don't have the money to do that.

Enjoy your week!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Long Day Trip

Friday June 22nd, was my regular SCRAP NITE! I did come home about 1:30 but did not crawl into bed till after 2:30am! 7:30 Bud woke Nathan and I up and within an hour we were in the "McQueen" to head SOUTH to West Mineral , KS... Why?

To see what is on the left! BIG BRUTUS... The world's biggest coal shovel. Nathan and Bud were both totally enthralled with it all. Bud and I had been there back in 2002 - our engagement Columbus Day Trip. Bud was able to climb to the top back then, about 3 years ago their insurance company closed that part of the tour down. Nathan had a blast!!! He climbed inside it with us and looked around and then when we climbed down he got a bit nervous- and I said "I got ya!" and every stair we went down he repeated "I got ya!" He liked the models inside the visitors center too. He did not want to leave.

Oh I almost forgot. Bud told me it was like 100 miles from our house. It was 190!!! On the way there we passed a town called Gas... there was a bank there called "The Bank of Gas" Bud said he would stop and make a deposit and then Nathan and I could make a "wiff-drawl!" BAAAAAD joke Bud!!!

We were going to take a picture of the bank - but I of course fell asleep on the way back and Bud ended up taking some goofy way back home and missed it. Oh well, I am sure we will make this trip again someday.

Bud wore his Big Brutus shirt that day. I dressed Nathan up in his "Chicks DIG me!" shirt and I wore my plain "Orlando" shirt. I did not want to be dorky with them. hee hee!

That is all for today. I have some studying to do for my 2nd CNA test tomorrow. I also want to get some stuff sorted and put away in MY new room. I now have a place to call my own to scrap, to blog and to "shut the door" to get some peace if I need it. I don't know why I didn't do this before. I moved the double bed to the basement 2 weeks ago and am still a bit sore. I don't have it set up downstairs yet because we keep doing things like this- and I am studying in my free time. I have to get it done this week because this weekend the in-laws are coming with their RV to visit!!! AAAAA!! (another story for another time)
Till next time!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Play Catch Up

Here is our little man! Those swim trunks were donated by the neighbor.
He is growing up so fast! I can't believe it that in less than a month he will be 3!!! MAN! The years go by quick!
Ok- found a class at JCCC for my CNA and started last week. I go in once a week all day and the other days are online. So I have a lot of studying to do. Not sure how it is really going or not. 3 of my assignments are not graded yet and I don't want to take my tests online until those are graded but I may have to do it anyway. Since tomorrow or in about 30 minutes it is Monday!
We found a new church... Still Community of Christ, but it is in Bonner Springs Kansas. Practically every speaker they get is from Olathe though. Kinda bummed about that. But we will see how it goes. Bud likes it there a lot.
The Star Wars room is my new home. I study here, and nap here and sleep here. Bud has been sick for about 2 weeks now- starting his third week. We have made one trip to the ER so far. I got sick too- but after taking some of his antibiotics- he can't take- I am feeling fine.
I started working out at Bally's again last week. It felt good!!! But I have a lot of studying to do tomorrow and am in class on Tuesday so may not get there till Wednesday.
Been dabbling in the digital scrap arena again. This time at I have a gallery there- under spluuugirl. Check it out sometime! I have only done 1 new page this week though. I have to get busy on Nathan's birthday invitations and Father's Day gifts this week too - so many not get a whole lot done. I have done 7 pages so far this month though. I just need to do 5 more to get the bonus kit!
Well- better end it here- It is 11:34pm - I gotta get up and make Bud's lunch and do laundry and get to my daily tasks...
Thanks for reading!!!!!
OH!!! I snuck out of the house today and saw "Knocked UP" and it was a great movie. Bud and I saw "EVAN ALMIGHTY" at a sneak preview for ministers and that is one you definitely don't want to miss!!!!! Check them out!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Motherz Day

Here we are at Pizza Hut in Osawatomie Kansas! Why are we there? I preached there today!
This is a new week of creativity for me. I have almost 100 posts- pages and comments combined on and I still have 2 more weeks to complete challenges! I am digital scrappin while I work.
FRIDAY is scrappin - paper style and I can't wait. I can't wait till I am done with school so I can get my scrap area re-organized. Yes- Bud I promise to do that!
Can I just say- I am so excited that Mike Myers is doing Shrek again! I can see him do all the publicity! He is one of the men on my "list!"
For Mother's Day - I got a Monster Truck Easter basket (on sale) and a card (one that plays music) and a sucker (candy) and on Friday I got a small plant from Nathan and the daycare. Yesterday- Bud and I dropped the kid off at the neighbors and we went to eat chinese food and then to the movies "Blades of Glory" - that is a hilarious movie! Then we went to Bass Pro Shops and Bud got himself some sandals.
So- all in all- it was an ok day. This week I am busy with meetings, on Tuesday and Wednesday and then of course the Friday night of scrappin.
Oh- tonight I took Nathan to McDonald's for supper- he got the kids meal and inside was a burping Shrek! He keeps pressing the darn button!
Ok- enough blabbering... I really don't think anyone is reading this anyway.
-buh bye!

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Here I am at work- my new job. I am an overnight person for the infirmary at KSD.

What does that mean? It means that if I want a job doing this next year I have to get a CNA certificate.

Problem- CNA program at JCCC is full for the summer!

So I have to go in and talk to them about working in the fall and going to school in the fall at the same time!

Hubby likes the idea of me working 12-8am - he gets all the covers to himself. I have been told by several people once I get my CNA I can go work anywhere... but I really want to continue at KSD. Yes- I would definitely prefer to be teaching- but I don't have the $$$ or the time to get my teaching certificate. AAAAAA!!!! Who knew at age 37 I would be going through this AGAIN! The job at the infirmary makes good money- and I would be full-time so I would get my health insurance - that I can't get right now because of my diabetes. AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Anywhoo- for anyone out there really reading this-


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Definitely Up to Something!!

Yep- Nathan is definitely up to something! What we don't know? He has been a "brat" lately!!! Kinda makes me a bit nervous about this summer- not working- except with him! ha ha ha! Oh- the joys of motherhood!

I started working in the infirmary at KSD this week. I have been consuming the QT version of Red Bull- ROOSTER BOOSTER to stay awake all night. I only have 14 more nights of this so I'm not worried about the effects. I am averaging 4 hours of sleep each day so far- NOT GOOD! So I hope my body gets used to this soon!

I haven't been too creative lately. I only did 8 pages at the scrap retreat a few weeks ago. But i am looking forward to teh 18th- when i get to scrap with those wonderful ladies again.

Getting ready for my first sermon in awhile- on Mother's Day. I have most of it written. I have free time at work to do such things.

Well- gonna go try and get some R&R until I pick up Nathan

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Here's the link to donate!!!


4 years ago- March 30th (day after my wedding) my sister Shelly passed away from complications of HIV/AIDS. She contracted it from her long-time boyfriend who did not tell her he was infected till after their son was born. That son is healthy and still alive today! Shelly was one who was not "proud" of how she contracted HIV but accepted it, and made it her passion, her fight to help those who were infected and more importantly affected by this horrible disease. For that reason- we did not hand out rice or give our guests candles or anything to take home. We used that money and donated it to the Kansas City AIDS WALK organization. From that time on- we have raised several thousands of dollars for them. We walk for them- for ALL of them no matter race, creed, or sexual orientation... Each person INfected and AFfected deserves respect and the ability to continue to live their lives to their fullest- just like any other person with an ailment or disease.

Please donate to Shelly's Heroes- so we may assist those who need it - Please click on the following link and you can donate by credit card- or contact me at with the message AIDS WALK in it, and I will send you my home address so you may mail a check or money order to me directly. If you choose to mail it to me- I need it by April 28th.

THAT is the day we walk!!!!!

-Thank you!!!!

-Sherry Long

Friday, April 6, 2007

Anniversary #4

Darren and I treating ourselves to dinner out without "Little Man" at the restaurant inside the Bass Pro Shop here in Olathe, KS.

The food was interesting. We ate alligator! We told them it was our anniversary and they gave us free dessert- key lime pie! Service was great!

After that was - on the road to Lansing, KS- to spend the weekend. We drove back and forth between Lansing and Leavenworth the whole weekend. It was a semi-decent weekend weather wise... a bit breezy though!

We saw downtown Leavenworth- we saw Ft. Leavenworth (military base-not the prison) and we went to the Lansing Museum, and the CW Parker Carousel Museum too! We even rode on the carousel after the tour- I took pictures of Bud riding on it, but he took a picture and cut off my head!!! ARGH!!! There was a really cool sculpture in town too- I took pictures of that.

Then after all the excitement was over- we were reminded- we were parents of a little boy- who was coughing and had a fever at Grammy and Grampy's place... so Sunday morning we packed up and headed back to MO to get him. By the time we got there- he was doing a minimal amount of coughing- and was so energetic! He had an Easter Egg Hunt at Nanny and Papa's too!

He also got some bubbles- and was trying real hard to blow them- but it was so windy that day all you had to do was put the wand in the air and away they would go!
All in all it was a good weekend.
Thanks for reading!