Ok- I am at work- it is 4:19 in the morning. I am supposed to be working on my homework from Sorenson, but no- I had to take a break. I discovered Google Docs tonight!!! I have made presentations of sign language to practice with. I made a spreadsheet which will be converted to flash cards later of information for the RID Written Test.
In a few hours (about 4) I will be getting into my car- and my hubby will drive and my son will be in the back and we will head to St. Louis. Why? My Mother In Law is retiring from the school she has worked at for umpteen years. She has worked in the food service dept there. We are heading back on Saturday sometime. I have the house being watched- so don't try to break in or anything!!!
Sunday- I get to Bless my friend's baby. It will be my first "blessing" as the speaker. Normally I am just the assistant. So I am a bit nervous about it- but it will be fine!
Anyway- I am thrilled that the Squart is back!!! I even remember they had Koozies for them to keep your drink cool for awhile I wonder if they will bring that back or not.
Ok- I am going to Salt Lake City in June! I can't wait- I will be in training during the day- but I will have my evenings to sightsee I guess. I have a lot of work to do before I go too... I take my big exam 2 days before I leave! The day after I get back is my 20th high school class reunion!
My summer is filling up fast. I really, really wanted to work at this camp for Deaf children in St. Joseph Missouri- but I just can't fit it in. Mom has mentioned a trip to Michigan- but she still isn't sure.
Oh- I got a new phone- another Blackberry- (Pearl) this time- it was on sale but after taxes and upgrade fees- it really wasn't. Which stinks!!! But I needed to upgrade pretty bad. The old phone was so outdated and I had it full- I found some really cool FREE Ringtones for it at www.phonezoo.com it is still in beta right now- but they even have that "$5.00 footlong" ringtone!!! I love it!!!
Ok- gotta get things picked up and watch the morning news and get meds ready to be distributed so I can go about my day....
ta-ta for now!
hi spluuuuu!!! I just found your blog through the re-activated SOTB forum. how fun to read about your "life." Have a blast in ST. Louis and SLC...jealous here. Miss my mountain. you should hook up with Patty and Cinlou while you are there!
love ya!
I may have to have you box up a case of Squarts and send them to Iowa! All the QT's have been bought out the Road Rangers - and that means no Squarts. :(
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