The month is almost over and I have hardly written. So here is the latest from ol' Spluuugir
Retirement Party: Got there and Nathan asked where Grammy's Party Boat was (based on a party boat that was won on The Price is Right- earlier)

Which is a really cool grocery store in St. Louis. They used to sell ths wonderful garlic oil but they discontinued it. We bought some snacks and a reuseable bag (so we can go green-someday) and while we were checking out- I tried some hand lotion and it was citrus my favorite flavor! It was wonderful lotion- my fingers and hands were so soft!!! Vicki and I went back in and I got a travel pack and 2 large containers - since we don't have a Trader Joes near us.
Went to lunch at Applebee's and Nathan refused to eat. Something was going to happen.
Then we headed to the Magic House. It is a perfect place for little ones. Nathan played and played and played!
Yep- that's us- with the electromagnetic thingy.
Shortly after this picture was taken Nathan quietly asked me to sit down wit him. His face became red pretty quickly. We got back to the In Laws and he had a 103 fever!!! Bud and I were to go out and chat- and Nathan went to bed- and we trust the In-Laws and we went to downtown St. Charles and for Ice Cream at Cold Stone Creamery. The next morning we had Nathan into the doctor- STREP THROAT!!! So he stayed home 2 days last week.
This was my last week at KSD till August. I also put in a few hours at Sorenson. I had an exhausting week with Nathan home and 2 jobs and a sermon to write. In fact, I did not get my sermon written till late last night. OOPS!!!
Friday night we (Bud and I) went and saw Indiana Jones 4. It was good. I forgot I was in the theatre! Then we went to Joes Crab Shack we ate Mussels for our appetizer, I had never eaten mussels before.
They were good but SPICY!! 
Then we picked up Nathan and stopped at Sonic and got ice cream. We tried to sit outside and eat it but the bugs were too bad.

So, anyway- oh- one more pic to share- I HAVE DAISIES IN MY FLOWERBED!!! My tulips and Nathan's flowers were destroyed by our spring storms, but this week the Daisies appeared!
My sermon went ok today. I got a bit long winded. This week Nathan goes to school two days a week. Tuesday and Friday this week. I get to be a MOM again. I get to sleep with my hubby again, and I get to do laundry and get to all those projects around the house that I haven't been able to get to all school year.
----Summer goals and plans!
1. Get "my room" upstairs organized and cleaned up so I can make my "sanctuary."
2. Get the garage cleaned out (5th year this has been on my list!)
3. Go somewhere fun once a week with Nathan (movies, pool, etc)
4. Read two books for fun!!!
5. Get the basement organized (another thing that has been on my list for 5 years!)
6. Pass my Certification Exam on June 13th.
7. Get my interview/performance exam scheduled for the fall.
8. Get bills paid down
9. Write on my blog at least once a week (aren't you happy?)
10. Start digital scrapbooking again.
Well,I need to get busy (as you can see!) Till next time!
1 comment:
Learn to knit? :)
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