Thursday, July 24, 2008

SPEC of Life

Ok, as most of you know I have been dealing with a lot these past few weeks. So, I haven't written in awhile, and I apologize for those of you who actually read my ramblings.

Currently, I am in Lamoni, Iowa and am on staff for a national camp. I am teaching "Creativity Camp" and "American Sign Language."

I want to take the time to say this THESE CAMPERS ARE SO COOL!!! They totally are caring and loving towards each other and normally at SPEC there is a lot of competition, but I don't see it and especially feel it this week.

Normally there is one or two in each of my classes that I feel I have to "hover" over and watch like a hawk- NOPE--- nada this year. The kids come ready and are very respectful and genuinely ask appropriate questions and are so sincere in wanting the knowledge I want to share with them.

I came this week pretty broken. It is amazing what teens can do to an old person like me. Ha ha ha!!!
I truly feel refreshed and ready to face whatever comes our way next week when I return to KS and Bud. (It may also be because of my wonderful massage I got on my back and arms and shoulder last night!)
Nathan came for a visit yesterday and it was very hard to put him in my mom's car and send him back to Des Moines. I miss him AND BUD so much. But it is good for us to spend some time away. We get new stories to share with one another and to tell you the truth- the homecoming is the best. My favorite part of our separate trips is when Nathan goes to our front door and knocks and rings the doorbell and Bud answers it. The look on Bud's and Nathan's face at that very moment is PRICELESS.
Well, today it is pouring down rain!! It is my last day of classes. I am leaving early tomorrow. SPEC doesn't really end till Saturday. But with our current situation and my mom- - - I need to spend some time with her before I go back. So- yep-- tomorrow I head north and I am going to go see my friend Tania and her kids, and Nathan will play with her son for awhile.
Wanna see some pictures?
This is me on the left leading the wonderful signers here at SPEC. We signed the song "Waiting for the World to Change" by John Mayer. They learned it in ONE DAY!!! Those kids are to be commended!!!

This is Ted and Ingrid. They were doing a drama on the track for our all camp worship. They also performed a play about couples in the Bible last night. It was really cool. It really made you think.
Who is this? This is Steve Veazey the President of the Community of Christ. The church has launched a new community website... check it out at
Well, I will post more later- my class is about to start.
Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dedicated to Bud...

This is my hubby- Bud. We have been married for 5yrs. I knew when we met that he had some issues related to an injury when he was 10yrs old. He has a left frontal lobe brain injury. He has tremors on his right arm. He also has a seizure disorder. Most people who meet him have no idea of the trauma he has endured. He works for the government and is a tax paying person who loves being a Dad and is pretty content and happy most of the time.
We are finding out that his previous med also treated an underlying mood disorder. He recently changed meds because he felt his tremors were getting worse on the current med. His new med only treats the seizures. He has had horrible anger outbursts. We didn't know when one would happen or what would set him off at any given time and honestly--- it is affecting our marriage and home life. I had gone to Iowa for a breather at one point. That is why I sought out a counselor. I love Bud! I love him for so many reasons and it has been tearing my heart apart to see him this way. I also have to think of Nathan. I work two jobs now, and wasn't sure what I would find when I got home.
Anyway--- fast forward... We talk and talk with the neurologist. He called us back yesterday and said we needed to take Bud into the ER for a psych evaluation. I freaked!!! They asked him a lot of questions and he doesn't remember his anger outbursts at home. So-they admitted him yesterday.
I have to keep reminding myself that he is in a safe place. He is getting looked after and the doctors there will be able to help him.
We hope that he will be out of the hospital by Saturday. Saturday is Nathan's birthday party.
My heart still hurts. I wish I could hold his hand through this. I wish I could kiss him on the cheek and let him know that things will get better. I want to wrap my arms around his chest and hold on tight till we both fall asleep.
Brain injuries are quite different from person to person. It is also hard to treat sometimes. When Bud gets out of the hospital he hopefully will be better able to handle things and I can have my wonderful husband back!
Please keep us in your prayers.