Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dedicated to Bud...

This is my hubby- Bud. We have been married for 5yrs. I knew when we met that he had some issues related to an injury when he was 10yrs old. He has a left frontal lobe brain injury. He has tremors on his right arm. He also has a seizure disorder. Most people who meet him have no idea of the trauma he has endured. He works for the government and is a tax paying person who loves being a Dad and is pretty content and happy most of the time.
We are finding out that his previous med also treated an underlying mood disorder. He recently changed meds because he felt his tremors were getting worse on the current med. His new med only treats the seizures. He has had horrible anger outbursts. We didn't know when one would happen or what would set him off at any given time and honestly--- it is affecting our marriage and home life. I had gone to Iowa for a breather at one point. That is why I sought out a counselor. I love Bud! I love him for so many reasons and it has been tearing my heart apart to see him this way. I also have to think of Nathan. I work two jobs now, and wasn't sure what I would find when I got home.
Anyway--- fast forward... We talk and talk with the neurologist. He called us back yesterday and said we needed to take Bud into the ER for a psych evaluation. I freaked!!! They asked him a lot of questions and he doesn't remember his anger outbursts at home. So-they admitted him yesterday.
I have to keep reminding myself that he is in a safe place. He is getting looked after and the doctors there will be able to help him.
We hope that he will be out of the hospital by Saturday. Saturday is Nathan's birthday party.
My heart still hurts. I wish I could hold his hand through this. I wish I could kiss him on the cheek and let him know that things will get better. I want to wrap my arms around his chest and hold on tight till we both fall asleep.
Brain injuries are quite different from person to person. It is also hard to treat sometimes. When Bud gets out of the hospital he hopefully will be better able to handle things and I can have my wonderful husband back!
Please keep us in your prayers.

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