Saturday, November 22, 2008


I type faster than blogger can accept- so I am now blogging at

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tired Old Lady

I am so tired of life again. I get so busy and "caught up" in tryng to get everthing done and it leads me nowhere. I rebel and end up a veggie in the recliner with the laptop.

I got off work today at 4:15 and rented a movie at the "redbox" and went to Hallmark and got two ornaments for our tree this year. I actually found a Wall-E ornament!!!

Came home- put on my pj's and watched a few of "MY SHOWS" without Bud and Nathan yapping and demanding my time and attention.

Tried to clean up the shower and had a few tiles come loose and fall off my bathtub wall!!! UGH! I have tomorrow off from work and my goal is to get some shelving up in "MY ROOM" so I can get it cleaned up and organized so I can work in there. We'll see what actually gets done.

Interviews for my job are next week! I asked my boss if I could leave early on Friday so I can get out of town before traffic hits. She said "a week before your interview?" ha haha?

Oh and the big boss gave me an announcement for the daily bulletin and I had a few typos in it. Tomorrow I ain't there to correct it!!! ugh!!!

I forgot my "id" at work today and couldn't get in! UGH! Gotta find it!!!

Well- the boys will be back- more on the old lady later I guess.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wow! It's November already!

14 days from now I turn the big 39! Hard to believe I have been on this earth that long- but again- my body is telling me - I am at least that old if not more! ha ha ha!

Ok- Bud got fired- long story there- won't go into it here... just know that he is unemployed and actively searching for work. He is doing it with a smile- which is just down-right awesome! I love coming home to his smile. He has had a few interviews already with contracting companies but we are still in limbo.

Nathan had his surgery- and is back at school. His voice is a few octaves higher but he eats like crazy now! We can't keep him out of the kitchen. Doc said his adenoids were so swollen and infected that there was absolutely no air going in and out of his nostrils. He wanted to be WALL-E for halloween but the costume were only online and they were anywhere from 69.99 - 169.99!!! So we went to our local Target and he decided to be a mouse. He was a very cute mouse- but I already put the costume to Goodwill. I know it won't fit him next week- especially with his hunger.

I still don't know about my job. I have applied for the position- but we are in the 10 day posting period right now. Still have to interview too. UGH!!! I like not being a CNA! No offense to CNA's out there- but that life is not for me. Give me a computer and a mailing to do- or a report to prepare- and I am there! I love this job!!!!

Oh- I went shopping for new work clothes and I am down to a size 14/16 on my top and 16 on the bottom! I haven't been this size in a long time! It felt great trying on the smaller sizes.

I finally graduated from the Sorenson Video Relay Training Program. On Saturday that is... I finally just put my foot down and told them- GRADUATE ME!!! So- Wed will be my first shift as a VI!!! I am so excited. Now it is crunch time for my exams. I am debating on taking the Kansas performance exam- or just skip it- and go for my National Certification performance/interview exam... the National exam I can take in Lee Summit, MO or St. Louis, MO. The KS test is in Topeka. So- got a lot to decide. I also have to take time off of work either way.

2 weeks ago- was my fall overnight scrap party at the church. I actually got pages done in my Dad's Army book. It felt good to get those done. I need to get my titles and info for the pages done but I got the pictures on the paper. I also found last years Halloween that I had not finished and Nathan's second birthday - that I had not scrapped yet. Friday is scrapbooking again for me.

woo hoo! I need to send some pictures to Walgreens to get printed before I forget.

Voting- I am so unimpressed with any of the candidates. I know for sure that Obama is not getting my vote. The man could not make a decision while in office in Illinois- he voted "present" more than "yay" or "nay" which totally sucks for this country- we need someone that can make a decision and stick with it- and not be afraid to say "yay" or "nay!" I want someone that will move us forward and not make us look like fools. - so as of 9pm the night before the election- I can't tell you who I am going to vote for but I sure can tell you who I am NOT voting for. NOBAMA!!!!

Hubby swears by Ron Paul. I don't know enough about him. Then there are 2 others on the ballot as well. Gonna investigate them a bit more before I head to bed. So watch this space for my final decision (if any of you readers care).

Ok- gonna end it here- but wanted to add a pic or two from Halloween stuff.