Why did I come to Iowa in the middle of all this? I took my written exam for my National Interpreter Certification exam. I PASSED!!!! I needed to get a 500 and I got a 558. I almost didn't make it to the testing site due to the fact the place where it was held was in a lower level of a building that the address was blocked by leaves!!!!
Anyway- I head to Salt Lake City Utah on Monday, and when I return on Friday it is "study for my Kansas Written" exam. I take that the following Monday.
I also played UNO SPIN (a really cool version of Uno!) for the trophy with my nephew and my mom even decided to play and it was a close game between my mom and I. I ended up winning with a score of 617 to 371 (MOM) and poor David had a score of 40.
OH and my smart nephew got his toe caught in the table!
Oh and speaking of David--- he is a working man! He works at the local DQ. I went to pick him up from work the other night and snapped a few pics of him cleaning up. But I don't have them uploaded on the computer yet- so watch for those.
Oh- also my brother turned 49 and we went out for Chinese food. Ok- guess I don't have those uploaded either.
Ok, I gotta go pick up my nephew at work. Check in with you all later!
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