Ok- here is the latest! I went to Salt Lake City Utah for training for Sorenson last week. The night before I was doing a final check of email and trying to get pictures to Walgreens and the power went out to the laptop. No battery power- no power from the NEW cord either--- I thought maybe if I took it with me on the trip I might get it to work again, and well- I tried all week and it wouldn't work- so I dragged a laptop halfway across the US for nothing!!!! Anyway--- Here is more of the story...

This is the view from my hotel room. Check out all the HAZE!!! They reported that Salt Lake City has the worst pollution of all the cities in the US. With the additional heat we experienced it was pretty bad.

This is Pat Nola, he is the CEO of Sorenson Communications- which is where I work now. They were having an open house at their new office complex there in SLC- and it was great!!! They announced the plan for Direct Video Phone Numbers and how you can download SIP Relay on your Blackberry using their programs from
http://www.sorensonvrs.com/ (Check it out!!!) Here Pat is signing "Thank You" I got to talk to him for about 30 seconds before he was whisked off to talk to other people.

This is a replica of what a typical videophone looks like- here it is a cake- and as you can see it fell or melted in the heat- take your pick!!! It was pretty neat to be there though.

This is the view from the new Sorenson complex! A bit clearer!
When I arrived on Monday afternoon I asked my shuttle driver what I should see or do while I was here and he said "Go to the Mall" so I went Monday night- I found some clothes for work- which I had been having a hard time here in Kansas. I also ate at Red Robin (my favorite!!!) but they had a different menu out there. Then I went back to the hotel room to get ready for my first day of training. Tuesday night we went to eat at a Greek restaurant and I had a Greek cheeseburger and spinach pie and I took a piece of Baklava back to the hotel room. I had to practice my phone scripts. Wednesday night was the big party back at Sorenson and then Thursday night we went to Temple Square... I went with two others from my training group.

I love this image! Christ and the atmosphere.

Pretty cool display I thought it also had images for Lehi, and Alma and so on and so on. The ladies I happened to be with had a few questions about it and I got to share my testimony of the Book of Mormon as well.

It's the Mormon Tabernacle Choir!!! We got hear them practice, and I snuck out and took some other pictures.

I thought this was kinda.... well... interesting.

Friday morning I headed to the airport and got on this dinky Delta plane and I was sitting next to this really weird guy who kept jabbing me with his elbow in the side, and he would shake his leg and it would hit my knee and he tried to put his coat on my shoulder once so he could lay his head down and sleep. WEIRD. So, anyway I was very anxious to come home. I missed my boys!!! It was really nice to be gone and on my own for awhile, I actually had the remote to myself- it was so nice!!!
Well- I have more pictures and more stories but I think this will sufice for now.
This week is busy again. Monday I take my Kansas Interpreters Written Exam, and Nathan goes to visit his girlfriends Riley and Taylor. Tuesday he bowls again, Wednesday I work at KSD and Sorenson and Thursday I work at KSD and Sorenson and Friday I work at KSD and SCRAP NITE happens! I have missed scrapbooking!
Chat at ya later----
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