Then Tuesday, we went bowling again- and Nathan beat little Michael by 5 pins again. We went to Wal-Mart afterwards to get his birthday party invitations and he asked to ride in the cart, and when we got home he picked up his "Bob and Bug" and walked himself to his room and shut the door, and within minutes- if not seconds he was snoring!!! Poor guy!
Wednesday morning he went back to school. Everyone missed him!!! I went to KSD and did data entry for the infirmary- we got new software and a laptop for the clinic. I have to enter all the kid's immunizations and make sure they are compliant with the state of Kansas. FUN!!!
I am going to give an honest comment here- I have been struggling with life lately, and also my marriage to Bud. I love him to death but with me working two jobs and other life stuff- I am not handling things well. So, I contacted a counselor and went and saw her on Wednesday. Got done with that, and went to Sorenson and worked till 9! I got up on Thursday and took Nathan to Paula's and after traffic stalls and accidents arrived at KSD at 9am. I picked Nathan up at 2:30 but chatted with Paula till almost 4!!! Then came home and got stuff ready for supper and had to go back to Sorenson till 9.
Sorenson- I was actually on the phones and I was so nervous and the Deaf all noticed. I sucked as a terp that night!!! I really need to work on that before my next two tests!! HELP!!!!!
Friday- went to KSD after dropping Nathan off to Pre-School and got there at 7:30 and worked till noon cuz it was scrap night!!! Well, Bud had a reaction to his meds and we ended up at the ER. So- I did not get to scrap. I haven't scrapbooked since April!!!!! I feel out of practice. Although I did do ONE digital scrap a few days ago, after I got Photoshop CS3 loaded on my new laptop. It is on my gallery at

We (as a family) went and saw Wall-E today. It was cheaper since we went to the 1pm show, which is good, because I have a popcorn fiend son and the concession stand is so dang expensive! It was a great movie. This was the first movie Nathan's attention was held the whole hour and half!!! Which suprised me because he has seen every trailer for this movie 100 times. Bud even cried at a few spots- you can tease him about that. I did!!!
Well, I am presiding at church tomorrow- I need to get my act together and my boys are begging me to cook supper too- the life of a mommy and wife just doesn't end.
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