Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Birthday week!

Nathan's Birthday Cake from Gram Gorden on the 4th of July.
Ice Cream at Chevy's on his real birthday!
Birthday Pie on Friday (sorry it is out of order!)
Birthday Cake from Grammy and Grampa Long

My son- turned 3 on Saturday July 3rd. He had parties all week! Poor kid!

The finale- Hooter's on Monday on our way home. No he did not make this one up. We actually did this for him on his 3rd Birthday!

This week I started Clinicals and it was ok... I can't wait to get this job at KSD though. I like kids a lot better than older people. I struggle with this kind of community. I know that it is good for older people but- I just don't enjoy being there (honestly!) The time did go fast.

A friend of the Long's - the Buie's lost their 9 month old daughter on Monday night. I am very sorry for their loss. But Savannah is in a much better place now. It saddened us deeply though.
We never met Savannah- but still loved her.

Well- better get back to cleaning- my job 24/7 since hubby is working and Nathan is a 3 yr old now. I am sick and tired of it all. I want to chuck it all and start over!!! But we don't have the money to do that.

Enjoy your week!

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