Saturday, November 22, 2008
I type faster than blogger can accept- so I am now blogging at
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tired Old Lady
I am so tired of life again. I get so busy and "caught up" in tryng to get everthing done and it leads me nowhere. I rebel and end up a veggie in the recliner with the laptop.
I got off work today at 4:15 and rented a movie at the "redbox" and went to Hallmark and got two ornaments for our tree this year. I actually found a Wall-E ornament!!!
Came home- put on my pj's and watched a few of "MY SHOWS" without Bud and Nathan yapping and demanding my time and attention.
Tried to clean up the shower and had a few tiles come loose and fall off my bathtub wall!!! UGH! I have tomorrow off from work and my goal is to get some shelving up in "MY ROOM" so I can get it cleaned up and organized so I can work in there. We'll see what actually gets done.
Interviews for my job are next week! I asked my boss if I could leave early on Friday so I can get out of town before traffic hits. She said "a week before your interview?" ha haha?
Oh and the big boss gave me an announcement for the daily bulletin and I had a few typos in it. Tomorrow I ain't there to correct it!!! ugh!!!
I forgot my "id" at work today and couldn't get in! UGH! Gotta find it!!!
Well- the boys will be back- more on the old lady later I guess.
I got off work today at 4:15 and rented a movie at the "redbox" and went to Hallmark and got two ornaments for our tree this year. I actually found a Wall-E ornament!!!
Came home- put on my pj's and watched a few of "MY SHOWS" without Bud and Nathan yapping and demanding my time and attention.
Tried to clean up the shower and had a few tiles come loose and fall off my bathtub wall!!! UGH! I have tomorrow off from work and my goal is to get some shelving up in "MY ROOM" so I can get it cleaned up and organized so I can work in there. We'll see what actually gets done.
Interviews for my job are next week! I asked my boss if I could leave early on Friday so I can get out of town before traffic hits. She said "a week before your interview?" ha haha?
Oh and the big boss gave me an announcement for the daily bulletin and I had a few typos in it. Tomorrow I ain't there to correct it!!! ugh!!!
I forgot my "id" at work today and couldn't get in! UGH! Gotta find it!!!
Well- the boys will be back- more on the old lady later I guess.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wow! It's November already!
14 days from now I turn the big 39! Hard to believe I have been on this earth that long- but again- my body is telling me - I am at least that old if not more! ha ha ha!
Ok- Bud got fired- long story there- won't go into it here... just know that he is unemployed and actively searching for work. He is doing it with a smile- which is just down-right awesome! I love coming home to his smile. He has had a few interviews already with contracting companies but we are still in limbo.
Nathan had his surgery- and is back at school. His voice is a few octaves higher but he eats like crazy now! We can't keep him out of the kitchen. Doc said his adenoids were so swollen and infected that there was absolutely no air going in and out of his nostrils. He wanted to be WALL-E for halloween but the costume were only online and they were anywhere from 69.99 - 169.99!!! So we went to our local Target and he decided to be a mouse. He was a very cute mouse- but I already put the costume to Goodwill. I know it won't fit him next week- especially with his hunger.
I still don't know about my job. I have applied for the position- but we are in the 10 day posting period right now. Still have to interview too. UGH!!! I like not being a CNA! No offense to CNA's out there- but that life is not for me. Give me a computer and a mailing to do- or a report to prepare- and I am there! I love this job!!!!
Oh- I went shopping for new work clothes and I am down to a size 14/16 on my top and 16 on the bottom! I haven't been this size in a long time! It felt great trying on the smaller sizes.
I finally graduated from the Sorenson Video Relay Training Program. On Saturday that is... I finally just put my foot down and told them- GRADUATE ME!!! So- Wed will be my first shift as a VI!!! I am so excited. Now it is crunch time for my exams. I am debating on taking the Kansas performance exam- or just skip it- and go for my National Certification performance/interview exam... the National exam I can take in Lee Summit, MO or St. Louis, MO. The KS test is in Topeka. So- got a lot to decide. I also have to take time off of work either way.
2 weeks ago- was my fall overnight scrap party at the church. I actually got pages done in my Dad's Army book. It felt good to get those done. I need to get my titles and info for the pages done but I got the pictures on the paper. I also found last years Halloween that I had not finished and Nathan's second birthday - that I had not scrapped yet. Friday is scrapbooking again for me.
woo hoo! I need to send some pictures to Walgreens to get printed before I forget.
Voting- I am so unimpressed with any of the candidates. I know for sure that Obama is not getting my vote. The man could not make a decision while in office in Illinois- he voted "present" more than "yay" or "nay" which totally sucks for this country- we need someone that can make a decision and stick with it- and not be afraid to say "yay" or "nay!" I want someone that will move us forward and not make us look like fools. - so as of 9pm the night before the election- I can't tell you who I am going to vote for but I sure can tell you who I am NOT voting for. NOBAMA!!!!
Hubby swears by Ron Paul. I don't know enough about him. Then there are 2 others on the ballot as well. Gonna investigate them a bit more before I head to bed. So watch this space for my final decision (if any of you readers care).
Saturday, October 11, 2008
hmm.. It's 3:45am on a Sat. morning- WHAT AM I DOING UP?
Yes, you read that right. I have no clue why I am awake- I love Saturdays cuz I can sleep in! Guess not this week... go figure!
Took Nathan to meet his surgeon. Nice guy- very straightforward and told us that he would get more benefit from the adenoids being removed than the actual tonsils. He even asked "How long has the Darth Vader breathing been going on?" "Since he was born!" said Bud. So- this Tuesday our little guy is going in. Poor thing.
Darren finally has his meds in check. No "outbursts" or anything for about 3 weeks. It is so nice to come home to his smiling face and not have him complain or yell about what time I got home from work- and demand I do all this stuff for him before I can go to bed. Which is absolutely crazy- and I would dread to come home. Now when I work late- I can't wait to get home! He is even letting me snuggle with him under the covers again! YAY!!! MY BUD IS BACK!!!!
Still don't know what is going to happen at my work at KSD. The "chick" I am filling in for- wants to get fired so she can get unemployment. They are trying to talk her out of that- since she has been there for so long- blah blah blah.... anyway- so I am continuing to be in LIMBO. But I was assured it was close to getting resolved.
My other job at Sorenson- is going a bit better. I will graduate from VI training at the end of this month- and this week Wed- the whole computer system in my center was down- for the whole night. Thursday when I went back- it had just started working again a few hours before I got there! Wed night a group of us got together and worked on signs and idioms and it was a pleasant break. Thursday- had my NIC study group- short meeting- but I was able to get some papers and life sorted out- before I started my shift.
I was with a mentor at first and then they put me in my own station alone for awhile- with a mentor right across the hall. It was cool! I didn't have any problems at all. Like I said before I am really starting to enjoy it.
This coming week- I am going to start being a freelance interpreter for KSD. I am going on a field trip with the dorm-and so I can get more experience before I take my exam.
I had my follow-up appointment with my gyno doc and she said I was fine- after the surgery. She didn't need to see me again- unless I had major issues again. Woo Hoo!!! One less doc to see! I still have to see my endocrinologist this coming Friday. Gonna get in trouble for that one. OH- got my insurance record for my surgery- actual cost of my surgery was near 15,000 dollars!! I think it was definitely worth it though. I think it said our responsibility was close to 300 dollars. Which isn't bad at all!
This weekend we are playing it cool- probably will go bowling since we haven't been in awhile and since next week Nathan and Bud will be held up in the house- resting. Next weekend Paula and I are going to see Lion King! I can't wait!!! I haven't had a girls night out since .... forever ago! We are going to a matinee- so really it is a girls afternoon out. We may end up at Starbucks and hang out there until hubby's put the kids to bed.
Oh- Darren's parents are off RVing for the rest of the month. We won't see them until Thanksgiving. They seem to be having a great time- we read their blog to keep up.
um... can't think of anything else to write-
till next time!!!
Took Nathan to meet his surgeon. Nice guy- very straightforward and told us that he would get more benefit from the adenoids being removed than the actual tonsils. He even asked "How long has the Darth Vader breathing been going on?" "Since he was born!" said Bud. So- this Tuesday our little guy is going in. Poor thing.
Darren finally has his meds in check. No "outbursts" or anything for about 3 weeks. It is so nice to come home to his smiling face and not have him complain or yell about what time I got home from work- and demand I do all this stuff for him before I can go to bed. Which is absolutely crazy- and I would dread to come home. Now when I work late- I can't wait to get home! He is even letting me snuggle with him under the covers again! YAY!!! MY BUD IS BACK!!!!
Still don't know what is going to happen at my work at KSD. The "chick" I am filling in for- wants to get fired so she can get unemployment. They are trying to talk her out of that- since she has been there for so long- blah blah blah.... anyway- so I am continuing to be in LIMBO. But I was assured it was close to getting resolved.
My other job at Sorenson- is going a bit better. I will graduate from VI training at the end of this month- and this week Wed- the whole computer system in my center was down- for the whole night. Thursday when I went back- it had just started working again a few hours before I got there! Wed night a group of us got together and worked on signs and idioms and it was a pleasant break. Thursday- had my NIC study group- short meeting- but I was able to get some papers and life sorted out- before I started my shift.
I was with a mentor at first and then they put me in my own station alone for awhile- with a mentor right across the hall. It was cool! I didn't have any problems at all. Like I said before I am really starting to enjoy it.
This coming week- I am going to start being a freelance interpreter for KSD. I am going on a field trip with the dorm-and so I can get more experience before I take my exam.
I had my follow-up appointment with my gyno doc and she said I was fine- after the surgery. She didn't need to see me again- unless I had major issues again. Woo Hoo!!! One less doc to see! I still have to see my endocrinologist this coming Friday. Gonna get in trouble for that one. OH- got my insurance record for my surgery- actual cost of my surgery was near 15,000 dollars!! I think it was definitely worth it though. I think it said our responsibility was close to 300 dollars. Which isn't bad at all!
This weekend we are playing it cool- probably will go bowling since we haven't been in awhile and since next week Nathan and Bud will be held up in the house- resting. Next weekend Paula and I are going to see Lion King! I can't wait!!! I haven't had a girls night out since .... forever ago! We are going to a matinee- so really it is a girls afternoon out. We may end up at Starbucks and hang out there until hubby's put the kids to bed.
Oh- Darren's parents are off RVing for the rest of the month. We won't see them until Thanksgiving. They seem to be having a great time- we read their blog to keep up.
um... can't think of anything else to write-
till next time!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
God is givng me Job moments!!!!
Hey folks- all 3 of you that read this...
Busy week again. I had my surgery- and it was wonderful to be "out of it" even though it was only for a few hours.
Got the "moms" out of the house and was still sore. Went to work Monday and boy it was good to be back. Had a pretty uneventful day. Tuesday I made it through the day- no major events. Had sign class and just about everyone showed up. Wed and Thursday nights I went back to Sorenson. Wed I observed... Thursday I got on the phones for over an hour. I also found out I was signing the word "any" wrong. I have been teaching it wrong for a long time too!!! DOH!! Friday I interviewed for the Para position at the school and I really don't want it- but if it lets me stay at KSD great!!! Anyway- interviewed and signed for myself and forgot the sign for "multiplication" and for hands on- and a few others... anyway- I heard I did pretty good in the interview.
The boss invited me out to lunch- I am not a big fan of Mi Ranchito but I haven't been out to lunch and really thought I deserved a "treat" for the week. We get sat down at the restaurant and Bud calls me. "Um... I lost my job." I asked him to repeat it... he did... he was calling from the SRS building. He already was meeting with his VR counselor. By 2pm he had 2 call backs from contracting companies. So anyway- he is pretty positive about it- and is actively seeking new employment. I won't go into why he was laid off- because I think the company (contracting company) was looking for something to cause them to fire him... which isn't fair--- but at the same time---with all the health issues I was very surprised they didn't fire him before.
Anyway--- Nathan had a follow up appointment from his ER visit and his tonsils and adenoids are still swollen and so he definiely has to have them removed. He also got his flu shot and was very good with it all. Not sure when it will happen now.
I am supposed to find out what job I'm going to be doing at KSD on Monday- but the Principal's 4 yr old daughter died of cancer last week and the funeral is on Monday. Practically every staff person in the elementary is going to the funeral- so I will be in the classroom most of the day and so I probably won't hear until later in the week.
Went to the Kansas Speedway today. Bud's dad turns 60 on October 31st an for his birthday he got to go to the Dale Jarrett Racing School and got to go 8 laps around the Kansas Speedway. It was a bit crazy. 27 people came to watch him but several did not show up by 2pm like they were supposed to- but it turned out ok- he was in the 3rd group to drive and when it came time for him to actually get in and drive- everyone was there!!! Nathan had a great time- but it was a long day (ha ha ha!) he even kissed his girlfiend!
Well- got to get some stuff done before Nathan comes home tomorrow. He is staying in "Harvey the RV" with Grammy and PaPa. He will go on a picnic tomorrow and then come home.
Oh- he has started signing!! He signs his name and spells BIGFOOT and signs apple and milk and grandma and grandpa and mom and dad and a lot of others. I am so proud of him! Finally!! I have been trying to get this kid to sign since birth!
OTHER AWESOME NEWS- April one of my youth minister kids and her boyfriend got engaged over the summer and I got asked this week to be their officiating minister. The other cool part is that she is getting married where Bud and I got married 6 yrs ago!
Until I post again!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Upset and it ain't my stomach.
What a horrible day! I went to work at KSD as usual- It was picture day! My hair-- well-- there is nothing to say about it- I hate my hair.
Boss gave me a big project to work on- YEA! The interpreter even answered the phones for me while I worked on it until she had an IEP to go to. I had to ask my boss tons of question- which ended up being really stupid questions. anyway--- I am finishing up the big job and the phone rings and it is Bud. "Heeeeeyyyy Sh- sheeeerrrrryyyy" he says very slurred and slow. I immediately go into panic mode. "Bud? What's up? What is going on?" " Um... I don't know... I can't seem to stay awake, and I am having a hard time walking." Again very slow and slurred. "Well, I will come and pick you up ok? Stay there!" So I interrupt a meeting the Boss is in and explain that there is an emergency with my husband. She signs back to me "GO!" So I gather up my stuff and stop by the Infirmary to get advise from my other boss. She is an ER nurse when she isn't working in the Infirmary. She tells me to call the doc and to call Bud's co-workers to see what kind of information I can get out of them. so- I do that. I call them and head over to Bud's work. I also call my Mom who is at the church office. I ask for prayers for Darren.
Get Darren all picked up- try to quiz him without being "too quizative" because it "sets him off" and drop him off at home to rest because the doctor told us to come in at 4pm (we already had an appointment set up- thank God!)
I head back to work- sit down at my desk- go back to work on my project- type up the corrections that needto be made and then I realize- I don't have my job application in yet for the Para-job which I am to apply for- in case this secretary comes back on the 15th of October. yep, the one job I LOVE on campus isn't mine. The Administrative Assistant (secretary) is out on FMLA leave until mid October. If she decides to come back I am S.O.L. Because Bud can't deal with me being gone at night. So no more CNA for me- so this wonderful job as a Paraprofessional in the High School (one building I haven't worked in yet!) opened up and the person currently in it is leaving October 3rd. Anyway- I have to get this freakin' application in! The job was posted last week. I tried to get it in last week- but we had this big Fundraiser called DEAF Sunday and I was in charge of the bid booklet for the auction. It was horrible- I was at KSD all day Saturday with Nathan trying to get it done, and again early Sunday morning- and I completed it, and the Wii- which was donated and part of the Live Auction- did not print on the page and I didn't know it until an hour before the event!! anyway----I still need to get this application done and turned in!!!
So I am finishing up this application- right? I am compiling a list of all my job titles and duties at KSD on a form with the help of some ladies in the office and I get a call from Nathan's school. I NEVER GET CALLS FROM HIS SCHOOL- so I know something must be bad. I answer it and it is the director- Michelle. "Nathan just had a seizure here at school." "Does he have seizures?" "WHAT?" I responded back? "We have called 911 and they are on their way -would you like to meet us here at the preschool or at the hospital?" "At the hospital" I replied. I started freaking out!!! I had seizures (epilepsy) from the age of 3-7 and in my head I have always wondered if I could pass that issue onto Nathan. So I immediately hang up the phone and start to cry. The interpreter = Lori is there and she is wonderful!!! she is the one that told me about this wonderful Bible Study at work- and we share prayer concerns all the time. Anyway- she says she is not letting me drive by myself. She drives me to the hospital... Crap!!! Bud has a doctor appointment at 4pm yet!! I call another friend of ours and she gets her husband to come out and get Bud and take him to the doctor. Whew!!! got that scheduled. I of course call my Mom and she flips out- and I call Bud's mom and she of course starts crying too. We arrive at the hospital- beating the ambulance. Finally he arrives and he is still disoriented a bit. He knew who I was but did not understand why he wasn't in Mrs Brandy's room anymore. I talk to the doctor who was very impressive and quick to respond. I had forgotten to make copies of Nathan's insurance card since he had switched to Daddy's insurance- but we got that taken care of...
So- we wait... Doc looks at his throat and poor Nathan can hardly open his mouth- and Doc says --- WOW! His tonsils are really inflamed. He reads the EMT report and at the time they picked him up his fever was 101.3! They try and give him some tylenol and motrin. He won't have any of it- I convince him to take it- and he can play "bowling" on my blackberry... he agrees to it.. but doesn't even play half a game. He starts to whine a bit- and he gets sleepy. doc takes a throat culture- before they gave him his medicine----and we wait to hear if it is strep. So- Bud calls me and says "No doctor- I am coming to the ER!" He shows up. Nathan goes to sleep and immediately starts snoring. Doc comes in- No Strep- severe tonsilitus and we are to go see his pediatrician next week t0 talk about getting his tonsils and probably his adenoids out. So--- they offer antibiotic for 10 days or a shot of penicillan. I chose the shot- just because of his throat being so inflamed and he has horrible diarhea when he is on most anti-biotics... so they give him the shot- and he hardly cried. We have to wait 20 minutes to see if there is a reaction. I head back to KSD with Lori- to get my car. I am still freaking out- I gather up my stuff- I am supposed to be teaching Family Sign Class- but we cancelled it for this week. I turn on my computer and send some files to my home email so I can work on them- but forget to send my KSD duties document DOH!!! I start to leave and I got stopped by a few people and so it takes me 40 minutes to get back to the hospital. Bud calls me as I am getting ready to get off the interstate.
Ok-- so we stop by "EnDonalds" because Nathan wants chocolate milk. I hadn't eaten much lunch because I had to work through lunch due to picking up Bud at work... We get McDonald's and go home. Nathan chows down french fries and a cheeseburger and 2 chocolate milks. He was definitely hungry!!!
I make a Walgreen's run to get liquid Tylenol and Motrin an Bud has 2 prescriptions there and I walk out $74.00 later! I had to get milk and of course juice for little man at the grocery store. I get home at almost 8 pm... and Nathan wants to play Bookworm on my laptop- so we sit ad play that for awhile and he starts to get all hot again- 101.2 accoring to our ear thermometer... so we start in on tylenol and I set up the air mattress in his bedroom and that is where I am now. It is 2:29 am and I am layn on the air mattress listening to him snore and checking him for another fever. UG!! So far so good.
My mother is leaving Iowa at 5:45 this morning- to avoid traffic... My mother-in-law is leaving St. Louis this afternoon and coming- why?
Bud got his dr appointment moved to today at 4pm. I go in at 5:45 on Thursday morning for outpatient surgery (female stuff)
so- yes- I am very upset and it sure ain't my stomach!!! I am reminded on a daily basis that God uses us when we are at our deepest... come on God!! Use me- cuz I aint sure I can handle going any deeper- I just am totally broken and empty- and so unsure of life right now. I so want to be taken care of- instead of caring for others- I often ask myself "when is it my turn?" I know it is a huge part of being a mom and wife- but I am so drained- I feel like the absolute bottom of the pit- is where I am at. Our house looks like it too!!!
Well it is time to take little man's temperature... Until I post again....
oh- yes- almost forgot--- I missed out on Picture Day! So I can wait till OCT 28th- and maybe get something done with my hair- if I am still at KSD.
Boss gave me a big project to work on- YEA! The interpreter even answered the phones for me while I worked on it until she had an IEP to go to. I had to ask my boss tons of question- which ended up being really stupid questions. anyway--- I am finishing up the big job and the phone rings and it is Bud. "Heeeeeyyyy Sh- sheeeerrrrryyyy" he says very slurred and slow. I immediately go into panic mode. "Bud? What's up? What is going on?" " Um... I don't know... I can't seem to stay awake, and I am having a hard time walking." Again very slow and slurred. "Well, I will come and pick you up ok? Stay there!" So I interrupt a meeting the Boss is in and explain that there is an emergency with my husband. She signs back to me "GO!" So I gather up my stuff and stop by the Infirmary to get advise from my other boss. She is an ER nurse when she isn't working in the Infirmary. She tells me to call the doc and to call Bud's co-workers to see what kind of information I can get out of them. so- I do that. I call them and head over to Bud's work. I also call my Mom who is at the church office. I ask for prayers for Darren.
Get Darren all picked up- try to quiz him without being "too quizative" because it "sets him off" and drop him off at home to rest because the doctor told us to come in at 4pm (we already had an appointment set up- thank God!)
I head back to work- sit down at my desk- go back to work on my project- type up the corrections that needto be made and then I realize- I don't have my job application in yet for the Para-job which I am to apply for- in case this secretary comes back on the 15th of October. yep, the one job I LOVE on campus isn't mine. The Administrative Assistant (secretary) is out on FMLA leave until mid October. If she decides to come back I am S.O.L. Because Bud can't deal with me being gone at night. So no more CNA for me- so this wonderful job as a Paraprofessional in the High School (one building I haven't worked in yet!) opened up and the person currently in it is leaving October 3rd. Anyway- I have to get this freakin' application in! The job was posted last week. I tried to get it in last week- but we had this big Fundraiser called DEAF Sunday and I was in charge of the bid booklet for the auction. It was horrible- I was at KSD all day Saturday with Nathan trying to get it done, and again early Sunday morning- and I completed it, and the Wii- which was donated and part of the Live Auction- did not print on the page and I didn't know it until an hour before the event!! anyway----I still need to get this application done and turned in!!!
So I am finishing up this application- right? I am compiling a list of all my job titles and duties at KSD on a form with the help of some ladies in the office and I get a call from Nathan's school. I NEVER GET CALLS FROM HIS SCHOOL- so I know something must be bad. I answer it and it is the director- Michelle. "Nathan just had a seizure here at school." "Does he have seizures?" "WHAT?" I responded back? "We have called 911 and they are on their way -would you like to meet us here at the preschool or at the hospital?" "At the hospital" I replied. I started freaking out!!! I had seizures (epilepsy) from the age of 3-7 and in my head I have always wondered if I could pass that issue onto Nathan. So I immediately hang up the phone and start to cry. The interpreter = Lori is there and she is wonderful!!! she is the one that told me about this wonderful Bible Study at work- and we share prayer concerns all the time. Anyway- she says she is not letting me drive by myself. She drives me to the hospital... Crap!!! Bud has a doctor appointment at 4pm yet!! I call another friend of ours and she gets her husband to come out and get Bud and take him to the doctor. Whew!!! got that scheduled. I of course call my Mom and she flips out- and I call Bud's mom and she of course starts crying too. We arrive at the hospital- beating the ambulance. Finally he arrives and he is still disoriented a bit. He knew who I was but did not understand why he wasn't in Mrs Brandy's room anymore. I talk to the doctor who was very impressive and quick to respond. I had forgotten to make copies of Nathan's insurance card since he had switched to Daddy's insurance- but we got that taken care of...
So- we wait... Doc looks at his throat and poor Nathan can hardly open his mouth- and Doc says --- WOW! His tonsils are really inflamed. He reads the EMT report and at the time they picked him up his fever was 101.3! They try and give him some tylenol and motrin. He won't have any of it- I convince him to take it- and he can play "bowling" on my blackberry... he agrees to it.. but doesn't even play half a game. He starts to whine a bit- and he gets sleepy. doc takes a throat culture- before they gave him his medicine----and we wait to hear if it is strep. So- Bud calls me and says "No doctor- I am coming to the ER!" He shows up. Nathan goes to sleep and immediately starts snoring. Doc comes in- No Strep- severe tonsilitus and we are to go see his pediatrician next week t0 talk about getting his tonsils and probably his adenoids out. So--- they offer antibiotic for 10 days or a shot of penicillan. I chose the shot- just because of his throat being so inflamed and he has horrible diarhea when he is on most anti-biotics... so they give him the shot- and he hardly cried. We have to wait 20 minutes to see if there is a reaction. I head back to KSD with Lori- to get my car. I am still freaking out- I gather up my stuff- I am supposed to be teaching Family Sign Class- but we cancelled it for this week. I turn on my computer and send some files to my home email so I can work on them- but forget to send my KSD duties document DOH!!! I start to leave and I got stopped by a few people and so it takes me 40 minutes to get back to the hospital. Bud calls me as I am getting ready to get off the interstate.
Ok-- so we stop by "EnDonalds" because Nathan wants chocolate milk. I hadn't eaten much lunch because I had to work through lunch due to picking up Bud at work... We get McDonald's and go home. Nathan chows down french fries and a cheeseburger and 2 chocolate milks. He was definitely hungry!!!
I make a Walgreen's run to get liquid Tylenol and Motrin an Bud has 2 prescriptions there and I walk out $74.00 later! I had to get milk and of course juice for little man at the grocery store. I get home at almost 8 pm... and Nathan wants to play Bookworm on my laptop- so we sit ad play that for awhile and he starts to get all hot again- 101.2 accoring to our ear thermometer... so we start in on tylenol and I set up the air mattress in his bedroom and that is where I am now. It is 2:29 am and I am layn on the air mattress listening to him snore and checking him for another fever. UG!! So far so good.
My mother is leaving Iowa at 5:45 this morning- to avoid traffic... My mother-in-law is leaving St. Louis this afternoon and coming- why?
Bud got his dr appointment moved to today at 4pm. I go in at 5:45 on Thursday morning for outpatient surgery (female stuff)
so- yes- I am very upset and it sure ain't my stomach!!! I am reminded on a daily basis that God uses us when we are at our deepest... come on God!! Use me- cuz I aint sure I can handle going any deeper- I just am totally broken and empty- and so unsure of life right now. I so want to be taken care of- instead of caring for others- I often ask myself "when is it my turn?" I know it is a huge part of being a mom and wife- but I am so drained- I feel like the absolute bottom of the pit- is where I am at. Our house looks like it too!!!
Well it is time to take little man's temperature... Until I post again....
oh- yes- almost forgot--- I missed out on Picture Day! So I can wait till OCT 28th- and maybe get something done with my hair- if I am still at KSD.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Space- a final frontier...
Ok- just read hubby's blog. He totally is wrong! He over-reacted to my bag from work being on his side of our bedroom. Then he says I push him off the bed when I sleep- now tell me- how I am supposed to correct this problem? TELL ME!!!
I am behind on my Bible Study with the ladies a work. I am almost a whole week behind! I was going t catch up this weekend, but I ended up working on my "room" so Bud could have more room in his manland. Guess I have a lot more to do.
Tomorrow we are babysitting the Robidoux girls! Bud likes taking care of Taylor. Nathan hangs with Riley- and I guess I will handle Nathan and Riley.
Tuesday is Bible Study- and my first Sign Class for the year. I won't be home until late. Wed I go to Sorenson. Thursday is Deaf Sunday prep day- and Friday is Scrapbooking! Saturday is a birthday party for a friend of Nathans and Sunday is Deaf Sunday. If you want to buy tickets - contact me- $15.00 for adults. $5.00 for ages 4-12.
Busy week. Not much breathing room. Next week is my surgery! Woo Hoo!!!
Well Big Brother is on- gotta run!!!
I am behind on my Bible Study with the ladies a work. I am almost a whole week behind! I was going t catch up this weekend, but I ended up working on my "room" so Bud could have more room in his manland. Guess I have a lot more to do.
Tomorrow we are babysitting the Robidoux girls! Bud likes taking care of Taylor. Nathan hangs with Riley- and I guess I will handle Nathan and Riley.
Tuesday is Bible Study- and my first Sign Class for the year. I won't be home until late. Wed I go to Sorenson. Thursday is Deaf Sunday prep day- and Friday is Scrapbooking! Saturday is a birthday party for a friend of Nathans and Sunday is Deaf Sunday. If you want to buy tickets - contact me- $15.00 for adults. $5.00 for ages 4-12.
Busy week. Not much breathing room. Next week is my surgery! Woo Hoo!!!
Well Big Brother is on- gotta run!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
I want to say- I love my husband 100%. I do not know what is inside his head- what he thinks or even feels and it drives me crazy! This isn't your normal male/female stuff. Tonight when Nathan and I came home he was smiling! He even opened the door for us! 10 minutes later he is all sad and depressed and practically catatonic in the chair watching the news. I asked him what was wrong "nothing" he said and then he went to bed - where I catch him practically crying. I called the doctor and he immediately told me to give him more pills. I know he doesn't want to take anymore pills. If it were me- I wouldn't want to take the pills but I am stuck. I am to return to my work at Sorenson in 2 days- and I can't have him like this- and expect him to take care of Nathan while I am gone! UGH!!! It is driving me crazy and I feel so helpless.
Being a couple with someone with a head injury/mental illness is very stressful. Yes we have some great days. Saturday was pretty good with the parade and the Spinach festival but then in the afternoon it was clearly "too much" for him.
I really want my ol' Bud back- but when I think about it- he wasn't as active as he is now - what I mean is- involved in things. I like it when he gets involved in things that mean something to him. I teased him cuz he ordered a free Book of Mormon from the Mormons and they delivered it last week. He asked what the difference was between theirs and ours and I told him and when we were at church- he asked the Sunday School class and we talked about it and I could see Bud's brain a working. But tonight- it was a 180 turn in the wrong direction. He even used the word "depressed!" My heart aches when I see him this way. It is a dull pain that eats away at me- and I try and play the "helper" role but what can you do when the other person doesn't want to be helped? We are together for reason. I truly believe that but it is so painful sometimes. I cry on the inside a lot more lately. I try not to show my heart breaking. I am trying to remain positive for him- for our family but it is feeling more like a burden on me and it is beginning to weigh me down. Like the ox with the - thingy on his neck... I had the word in my head and I lost it as I was typing... you know what I mean! Anyway.... I will think of it when I post this thing.
I really am thinking about postponing my exam until things get better I feel so underprepared and even though it is 2 months away- I still have so much more work to do! My voicing sucks!!! I get caught up in this huge wave of nervousness. I was beginning to overcome it, when I had to take my leave from Sorenson. Now I have to get it back. I can't concentrate with Bud being in this state either. AAAAAAA!!!
Well- I need to put Nathan to bed... until next time!
Being a couple with someone with a head injury/mental illness is very stressful. Yes we have some great days. Saturday was pretty good with the parade and the Spinach festival but then in the afternoon it was clearly "too much" for him.
I really want my ol' Bud back- but when I think about it- he wasn't as active as he is now - what I mean is- involved in things. I like it when he gets involved in things that mean something to him. I teased him cuz he ordered a free Book of Mormon from the Mormons and they delivered it last week. He asked what the difference was between theirs and ours and I told him and when we were at church- he asked the Sunday School class and we talked about it and I could see Bud's brain a working. But tonight- it was a 180 turn in the wrong direction. He even used the word "depressed!" My heart aches when I see him this way. It is a dull pain that eats away at me- and I try and play the "helper" role but what can you do when the other person doesn't want to be helped? We are together for reason. I truly believe that but it is so painful sometimes. I cry on the inside a lot more lately. I try not to show my heart breaking. I am trying to remain positive for him- for our family but it is feeling more like a burden on me and it is beginning to weigh me down. Like the ox with the - thingy on his neck... I had the word in my head and I lost it as I was typing... you know what I mean! Anyway.... I will think of it when I post this thing.
I really am thinking about postponing my exam until things get better I feel so underprepared and even though it is 2 months away- I still have so much more work to do! My voicing sucks!!! I get caught up in this huge wave of nervousness. I was beginning to overcome it, when I had to take my leave from Sorenson. Now I have to get it back. I can't concentrate with Bud being in this state either. AAAAAAA!!!
Well- I need to put Nathan to bed... until next time!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday Night- just got paid!
I got my first official check of the 08-09 school year and I got a 37cent raise- not even enough to buy a postage stamp- but it is still a raise!
Took the boys to Chapala for dinner to celebrate! Even got a sopapilla! We are livin' high now!
I have decided to get my life in order. I got a new Franklin Covey binder and calendar and am rewrting my Mission Statement and setting goals and just plain looking at this life o' mine. ANYWAY... the binder only comes with one month's of planning pages and it is undated and an undated calendar for each month (one of my pet peeves!) so- I found out I get a discount at Franklin Covey here in town cuz I work for the state of Kansas- and I bought some refills that will be really helpful and I got a cool colorful calendar for next year and well- spent about an hour and a half in the store. I got home after running errands and realized- I got the wrong size!!! I am so mad at myself. I swore it was the compact size- but no- I bought a classic! UGH... I really want to get started and now I have to drive back over to OP and tomorrow we have plans for the whole day- and Sunday they are closed! Darn it!! Guess I have to be patient.
Tomorrow we are going to Old Settler's Breakfast at KSD and then we are going to watch the parade from KSD and then--- head to Lenexa for the Spinach Festival and then back home for naps and back to Old Settlers. Nathan is pretty excited about it. I heard there is a slight chance of rain. I hope not.
I started going to a new Bible Study group this week. It is with other people at KSD and a few others from the Deaf Community. I get to observe other people's signing which is great! I get to know others in the Deaf Community as well.
Bud had to stay home Thurs and Friday because he is having blurry vision. This medicine is driving him crazy. He had a fit this week because I "over-helped" him. He thinks I am a freakin' mind reader. He has this agenda in his head and if I don't follow it- he blows up and walks out of the room. Like I am supposed to know what he is thinking!!! WHATEVER!!!
Did not get cleaning done like I wanted. A goal I am working on- but will get it accomplished hopefully Sat night or Sunday. Sunday we are going to Bonner to church and we have the offertory.
I really, really want to stay at KSD in this position. I think I can do some good there and build some permaneance there. This is the start of my 3rd year and my 5th position there. My boss Annie (from the Infirmary) gave me an employee review (she handed it to me) and I didn't even read it. She said it was all good. I should have brought it home... my head was not attached when I left today. I hope this week good things happen. I seem to be missing just a step- I forget a step or I overstep (both!) with people this week. Should have checked my horoscope.
Well- Nathan is tired and we got a busy day tomorrow- gotta clean out my car and get the stroller in it, so we don't lose the little man.
Till I decide to write again... All you expectant readers out there!!!!
Took the boys to Chapala for dinner to celebrate! Even got a sopapilla! We are livin' high now!
I have decided to get my life in order. I got a new Franklin Covey binder and calendar and am rewrting my Mission Statement and setting goals and just plain looking at this life o' mine. ANYWAY... the binder only comes with one month's of planning pages and it is undated and an undated calendar for each month (one of my pet peeves!) so- I found out I get a discount at Franklin Covey here in town cuz I work for the state of Kansas- and I bought some refills that will be really helpful and I got a cool colorful calendar for next year and well- spent about an hour and a half in the store. I got home after running errands and realized- I got the wrong size!!! I am so mad at myself. I swore it was the compact size- but no- I bought a classic! UGH... I really want to get started and now I have to drive back over to OP and tomorrow we have plans for the whole day- and Sunday they are closed! Darn it!! Guess I have to be patient.
Tomorrow we are going to Old Settler's Breakfast at KSD and then we are going to watch the parade from KSD and then--- head to Lenexa for the Spinach Festival and then back home for naps and back to Old Settlers. Nathan is pretty excited about it. I heard there is a slight chance of rain. I hope not.
I started going to a new Bible Study group this week. It is with other people at KSD and a few others from the Deaf Community. I get to observe other people's signing which is great! I get to know others in the Deaf Community as well.
Bud had to stay home Thurs and Friday because he is having blurry vision. This medicine is driving him crazy. He had a fit this week because I "over-helped" him. He thinks I am a freakin' mind reader. He has this agenda in his head and if I don't follow it- he blows up and walks out of the room. Like I am supposed to know what he is thinking!!! WHATEVER!!!
Did not get cleaning done like I wanted. A goal I am working on- but will get it accomplished hopefully Sat night or Sunday. Sunday we are going to Bonner to church and we have the offertory.
I really, really want to stay at KSD in this position. I think I can do some good there and build some permaneance there. This is the start of my 3rd year and my 5th position there. My boss Annie (from the Infirmary) gave me an employee review (she handed it to me) and I didn't even read it. She said it was all good. I should have brought it home... my head was not attached when I left today. I hope this week good things happen. I seem to be missing just a step- I forget a step or I overstep (both!) with people this week. Should have checked my horoscope.
Well- Nathan is tired and we got a busy day tomorrow- gotta clean out my car and get the stroller in it, so we don't lose the little man.
Till I decide to write again... All you expectant readers out there!!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Leaving Iowa
Heading home in a few hours- yes "home!"
Ended up at Red Lobster (yum!) for dinner. Mom took us and Steven out since it would have been Dad's birthday.
Little man was too tired to eat. Bud and I hung out at the hotel- playing upwords (or trying to) online together and then out of the blue- he said he wanted to go to the movies. So we saw TROPIC THUNDER! I thought it was hilarious! There were some parts I got a bit squeamish about and it is very obvious it is a BEN STILLER movie. But Bud absolutely hated it. He wanted a refund on his ticket- but I reminded him I bought his ticket! WHATEVER BUD!!!
Did not see Tania or the kids- just not enough time I guess. I will probably come up for my birthday and maybe then...
Steve is loving his job! He was all grins at dinner. It sure is nice to see him smile under that bushy beard and long hair.
Well- we trashed this hotel room and need to get to Mom's and get on the road after lunch...
Till next time....
Ended up at Red Lobster (yum!) for dinner. Mom took us and Steven out since it would have been Dad's birthday.
Little man was too tired to eat. Bud and I hung out at the hotel- playing upwords (or trying to) online together and then out of the blue- he said he wanted to go to the movies. So we saw TROPIC THUNDER! I thought it was hilarious! There were some parts I got a bit squeamish about and it is very obvious it is a BEN STILLER movie. But Bud absolutely hated it. He wanted a refund on his ticket- but I reminded him I bought his ticket! WHATEVER BUD!!!
Did not see Tania or the kids- just not enough time I guess. I will probably come up for my birthday and maybe then...
Steve is loving his job! He was all grins at dinner. It sure is nice to see him smile under that bushy beard and long hair.
Well- we trashed this hotel room and need to get to Mom's and get on the road after lunch...
Till next time....
Sunday, August 31, 2008
In Iowa Again
Well- I am back in the great ol' state of Iowa. Now... my hubby doesn't agree with that statement by any means- but that is HIS problem!
Today would have been my dad's 71st birthday. So that is part of the reason- it is still hard on Mom. The other reason is I was preaching at Central Congregation of the Community of Christ here in Des Moines this morning.
Darren and Nathan hung out in the nursery- which was ok. I guess. I kinda missed the little guy disrupting my sermon and services.
I could say more- but I won't.
We went to Wendy's drive thru for lunch- and took it back to the hotel. We ate and then we got ready for the pool- Nathan had a blast!!! I even got Bud to join us. He didn't want to go at first- but he came along in the end.
Came back to the hotel room and tried to get "little man" to rest bit but we all know how a 4 yr old is when they are excited! He did lay quietly for about 20 minutes. It is snack time in our room. We just went down to the vending machines and Nathan got a Rice Krispie Bar which cost $1.00!!! I got a Kit Kat Krispy- 75cents. Got Bud-Man some chips for 75 cents which seem to be expired and an extra bag of regular LaysChips for another 75cents. I also ended up getting a diet coke for $1.00 in the can! Nathan is saying "This is the best lunch ever!" He is so giddy and silly right now!
We were to go to Runnells to visit Tania but they ended up at Adventureland and I bet it was packed since it is the last weekend of summer. She isn't back yet--- we may not see them again. I haven't seen them since May I think or maybe June.
Kinda warm out here today. So we have the A/C up really high in the room. When we eventually leave this room to take Nathan back to Mom's it will hit us for sure.
Sorry- no more pictures- I forgot the plug for my camera- and my camera card does not fit the best in this laptop. I have to shake it out of my reader.
We are leaving for KS in the morning. Gotta get back to the grind of work and pre-school and life again. Don't have any time planned to come back until January for Monster Jam at Uncle Steve's place of work.
Oh- Bud is having issues with blurry vision and we think it is related to his recent med Abilify. He still gets frustrated and most of the time- it is with me. I don't know how to help him and how to live with him and share a bed with him at night- because he sleeps till 4am or so- and by the time I get home from work- he is starving and tired. I don't know how to get in sync with him like we were before.
Still working days at KSD until further notice. I really enjoy the job but they are really piling up the work at the same time. The audiologist is real nice- but the chick I am replacing right now- did not keep up on her work for her- and I am flooded with old filing and new filing at the same time.
Well Tania just called and they are still an hour away from getting home. Better call Mom and see what her plans are...
Happy Labor Day!!!!
Today would have been my dad's 71st birthday. So that is part of the reason- it is still hard on Mom. The other reason is I was preaching at Central Congregation of the Community of Christ here in Des Moines this morning.
Darren and Nathan hung out in the nursery- which was ok. I guess. I kinda missed the little guy disrupting my sermon and services.
I could say more- but I won't.
We went to Wendy's drive thru for lunch- and took it back to the hotel. We ate and then we got ready for the pool- Nathan had a blast!!! I even got Bud to join us. He didn't want to go at first- but he came along in the end.
Came back to the hotel room and tried to get "little man" to rest bit but we all know how a 4 yr old is when they are excited! He did lay quietly for about 20 minutes. It is snack time in our room. We just went down to the vending machines and Nathan got a Rice Krispie Bar which cost $1.00!!! I got a Kit Kat Krispy- 75cents. Got Bud-Man some chips for 75 cents which seem to be expired and an extra bag of regular LaysChips for another 75cents. I also ended up getting a diet coke for $1.00 in the can! Nathan is saying "This is the best lunch ever!" He is so giddy and silly right now!
We were to go to Runnells to visit Tania but they ended up at Adventureland and I bet it was packed since it is the last weekend of summer. She isn't back yet--- we may not see them again. I haven't seen them since May I think or maybe June.
Kinda warm out here today. So we have the A/C up really high in the room. When we eventually leave this room to take Nathan back to Mom's it will hit us for sure.
Sorry- no more pictures- I forgot the plug for my camera- and my camera card does not fit the best in this laptop. I have to shake it out of my reader.
We are leaving for KS in the morning. Gotta get back to the grind of work and pre-school and life again. Don't have any time planned to come back until January for Monster Jam at Uncle Steve's place of work.
Oh- Bud is having issues with blurry vision and we think it is related to his recent med Abilify. He still gets frustrated and most of the time- it is with me. I don't know how to help him and how to live with him and share a bed with him at night- because he sleeps till 4am or so- and by the time I get home from work- he is starving and tired. I don't know how to get in sync with him like we were before.
Still working days at KSD until further notice. I really enjoy the job but they are really piling up the work at the same time. The audiologist is real nice- but the chick I am replacing right now- did not keep up on her work for her- and I am flooded with old filing and new filing at the same time.
Well Tania just called and they are still an hour away from getting home. Better call Mom and see what her plans are...
Happy Labor Day!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Life continues...
Hey everyone!
I got to go scrapbooking on Friday! I stayed out till 3am! Almost all of my ladies showed up too! It was great!
Saturday we went to Lake Olathe and Nathan played... but that was after we went to "EnDonald's" for lunch -so Bud and I can get the scrapbookers website going.... anyway--- had a great family day.
Sunday I chose not to go to church. Nathan was still sleeping at 9:30am- and I just didn't have the gumption to go. It was still a busy day. I got the grocery shopping done ad then cooked pizza burgers and then took decorations to the Infirmary and Nathan came along and we got home and he went straight to bed. IN OUR BED!!! So we got him in his own bed.
Bud used to like it when I would snuggle up next to him- but now he is complaining about it. So I am getting on my side and staying there. Kinda hard to get used to.
BUT---AT LEAST HE IS TELLING ME- not just expecting me to read his mind- or already know how he feels. That is something he is working on. He seems to be doing GREAT on this new med. WAHOO!!!!
Going to Iowa for Labor Day- gotta preach there. OOPS!! I need to get started on my sermon. I am thinking about taking a leave of absence until January on being in charge or preaching anywhere- since I am studying for my KS Interpreter exam (NOV 20th) and then working at Sorenson and working days at KSD. But I gotta do it- got too many bills.
Well- better put my boy to bed - and work on my sermon. Till next time!!!
I got to go scrapbooking on Friday! I stayed out till 3am! Almost all of my ladies showed up too! It was great!
Saturday we went to Lake Olathe and Nathan played... but that was after we went to "EnDonald's" for lunch -so Bud and I can get the scrapbookers website going.... anyway--- had a great family day.
Sunday I chose not to go to church. Nathan was still sleeping at 9:30am- and I just didn't have the gumption to go. It was still a busy day. I got the grocery shopping done ad then cooked pizza burgers and then took decorations to the Infirmary and Nathan came along and we got home and he went straight to bed. IN OUR BED!!! So we got him in his own bed.
Bud used to like it when I would snuggle up next to him- but now he is complaining about it. So I am getting on my side and staying there. Kinda hard to get used to.
BUT---AT LEAST HE IS TELLING ME- not just expecting me to read his mind- or already know how he feels. That is something he is working on. He seems to be doing GREAT on this new med. WAHOO!!!!
Going to Iowa for Labor Day- gotta preach there. OOPS!! I need to get started on my sermon. I am thinking about taking a leave of absence until January on being in charge or preaching anywhere- since I am studying for my KS Interpreter exam (NOV 20th) and then working at Sorenson and working days at KSD. But I gotta do it- got too many bills.
Well- better put my boy to bed - and work on my sermon. Till next time!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Well, I haven't written again for awhile which is because I am burning the candle at both ends- AGAIN!
Nathan and I went to the Iowa State Fair last weekend.
Bud chose to go to his parents place. So I sent him some pictures on the phone and we chatted. When we returned home on Sunday- something was wrong. We have spent the week back at doctors. Today- Darren went back into the hospital. Darren is a good man deep down- He just isn't himself these days and he wants help and wants to be better. I am still sad- I love him so much and it hurts to see him in this state and know that he is so unsure of the future- all we know is that both of us want him better.
Here is Nathan enjoying a corn dog. He got to ride a school bus over to the fairgrounds. Gram came along with us.
She did great- hanging with us all day- and all the walking. We rented a stroller- but the wheels didn't work so great. We had to "pop wheelies" in order to turn corners. We got done- we were sore from the shoulders all the way down to our ankles!
Here he is relaxin'. He has 6 free bowling games to use up from this last week- so we are going to go bowling on Saturday since Daddy is gone.
Nathan and I went to the Iowa State Fair last weekend.
Nathan had his last week of bowling. They handed out awards and had a "rock n bowl" time- he had more fun dancing than he did bowling. His highest game all season was 84. He only bowled a 44 this week.

Sunday I have to work Enrollment Day at KSD so he is going to go over to a friend's house and spend the day. I have put Sorenson VRS on hold for now- I can't work both jobs with Bud gone and even though we desperately need the money- I just have to wait. This was supposed to be my last week in training. But- again- it will have to wait.
As far as KSD goes- I am working as the Related Services Secretary until October. I get to keep my benefits until then. If the secretary returns- I have to go back to overnight at the infirmary or find a new job. If she does not return I have the option of applying for her position and getting interviewed and then possibly get the job. So- it gives us more time to get Bud all healed up.
Well, I think I have chatted enough. Thanks for reading. Please pray for Darren and his doctors.
Friday, August 1, 2008
More Life Lessons...
What is Sherry up to now?
Well- Bud went back to work today!! WOO Hoo!! Nathan is at school and having a water play day which is good because the heat index today will be near 100. I go to Sorenson at 11 today and work till 4.
I have been totally trying to find a daytime job. I interviewed for one at KSD earlier this week, but did not get it. My boss Annie called me and said that our department's secretary has been out of work and we need a secretary right away. So I went to KSD yesterday to see what was going on.
I was told the secretary could show up for work anytime. I was cleared to fill in for her but- if school starts and she isn't back I have to resign from the CNA position and continue to work for her until she returns and then I am "out!" or I can work for her till school starts and go back to nights. So pretty much- I have 2 weeks to decide what to do if she isn't back yet. They are going to let me continue to take Nathan to his bowling - since he has two weeks left.
Bud is doing so much better! I love him so much and am proud of him to fight this- I want him to feel good. I want him to succeed!
I am still planning on going to the Iowa State Fair next weekend. Hard to believe that summer is almost over. I have that trip and one more for Labor Day planned to Iowa. Labor Day weekend I am preaching up there.
--Better end it here- will post more later.
-----thanks for reading.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
SPEC of Life
Ok, as most of you know I have been dealing with a lot these past few weeks. So, I haven't written in awhile, and I apologize for those of you who actually read my ramblings.
This is me on the left leading the wonderful signers here at SPEC. We signed the song "Waiting for the World to Change" by John Mayer. They learned it in ONE DAY!!! Those kids are to be commended!!!
This is Ted and Ingrid. They were doing a drama on the track for our all camp worship. They also performed a play about couples in the Bible last night. It was really cool. It really made you think.
Who is this? This is Steve Veazey the President of the Community of Christ. The church has launched a new community website... check it out at
Currently, I am in Lamoni, Iowa and am on staff for a national camp. I am teaching "Creativity Camp" and "American Sign Language."
I want to take the time to say this THESE CAMPERS ARE SO COOL!!! They totally are caring and loving towards each other and normally at SPEC there is a lot of competition, but I don't see it and especially feel it this week.
Normally there is one or two in each of my classes that I feel I have to "hover" over and watch like a hawk- NOPE--- nada this year. The kids come ready and are very respectful and genuinely ask appropriate questions and are so sincere in wanting the knowledge I want to share with them.
I came this week pretty broken. It is amazing what teens can do to an old person like me. Ha ha ha!!!
I truly feel refreshed and ready to face whatever comes our way next week when I return to KS and Bud. (It may also be because of my wonderful massage I got on my back and arms and shoulder last night!)
Nathan came for a visit yesterday and it was very hard to put him in my mom's car and send him back to Des Moines. I miss him AND BUD so much. But it is good for us to spend some time away. We get new stories to share with one another and to tell you the truth- the homecoming is the best. My favorite part of our separate trips is when Nathan goes to our front door and knocks and rings the doorbell and Bud answers it. The look on Bud's and Nathan's face at that very moment is PRICELESS.
Well, today it is pouring down rain!! It is my last day of classes. I am leaving early tomorrow. SPEC doesn't really end till Saturday. But with our current situation and my mom- - - I need to spend some time with her before I go back. So- yep-- tomorrow I head north and I am going to go see my friend Tania and her kids, and Nathan will play with her son for awhile.
Wanna see some pictures?
Well, I will post more later- my class is about to start.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Dedicated to Bud...
This is my hubby- Bud. We have been married for 5yrs. I knew when we met that he had some issues related to an injury when he was 10yrs old. He has a left frontal lobe brain injury. He has tremors on his right arm. He also has a seizure disorder. Most people who meet him have no idea of the trauma he has endured. He works for the government and is a tax paying person who loves being a Dad and is pretty content and happy most of the time.
We are finding out that his previous med also treated an underlying mood disorder. He recently changed meds because he felt his tremors were getting worse on the current med. His new med only treats the seizures. He has had horrible anger outbursts. We didn't know when one would happen or what would set him off at any given time and honestly--- it is affecting our marriage and home life. I had gone to Iowa for a breather at one point. That is why I sought out a counselor. I love Bud! I love him for so many reasons and it has been tearing my heart apart to see him this way. I also have to think of Nathan. I work two jobs now, and wasn't sure what I would find when I got home.
Anyway--- fast forward... We talk and talk with the neurologist. He called us back yesterday and said we needed to take Bud into the ER for a psych evaluation. I freaked!!! They asked him a lot of questions and he doesn't remember his anger outbursts at home. So-they admitted him yesterday.
I have to keep reminding myself that he is in a safe place. He is getting looked after and the doctors there will be able to help him.
We hope that he will be out of the hospital by Saturday. Saturday is Nathan's birthday party.
My heart still hurts. I wish I could hold his hand through this. I wish I could kiss him on the cheek and let him know that things will get better. I want to wrap my arms around his chest and hold on tight till we both fall asleep.
Brain injuries are quite different from person to person. It is also hard to treat sometimes. When Bud gets out of the hospital he hopefully will be better able to handle things and I can have my wonderful husband back!
Please keep us in your prayers.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
An update to June
What a week!! Monday I took my Kansas Written test for Interpreter Certification and found out I didn't have to!!! Because I passed the National Interpreter Written Test, I am exempt from taking the Kansas one! DOH!!!
Then Tuesday, we went bowling again- and Nathan beat little Michael by 5 pins again. We went to Wal-Mart afterwards to get his birthday party invitations and he asked to ride in the cart, and when we got home he picked up his "Bob and Bug" and walked himself to his room and shut the door, and within minutes- if not seconds he was snoring!!! Poor guy!
Wednesday morning he went back to school. Everyone missed him!!! I went to KSD and did data entry for the infirmary- we got new software and a laptop for the clinic. I have to enter all the kid's immunizations and make sure they are compliant with the state of Kansas. FUN!!!
I am going to give an honest comment here- I have been struggling with life lately, and also my marriage to Bud. I love him to death but with me working two jobs and other life stuff- I am not handling things well. So, I contacted a counselor and went and saw her on Wednesday. Got done with that, and went to Sorenson and worked till 9! I got up on Thursday and took Nathan to Paula's and after traffic stalls and accidents arrived at KSD at 9am. I picked Nathan up at 2:30 but chatted with Paula till almost 4!!! Then came home and got stuff ready for supper and had to go back to Sorenson till 9.
Sorenson- I was actually on the phones and I was so nervous and the Deaf all noticed. I sucked as a terp that night!!! I really need to work on that before my next two tests!! HELP!!!!!
Friday- went to KSD after dropping Nathan off to Pre-School and got there at 7:30 and worked till noon cuz it was scrap night!!! Well, Bud had a reaction to his meds and we ended up at the ER. So- I did not get to scrap. I haven't scrapbooked since April!!!!! I feel out of practice. Although I did do ONE digital scrap a few days ago, after I got Photoshop CS3 loaded on my new laptop. It is on my gallery at

We (as a family) went and saw Wall-E today. It was cheaper since we went to the 1pm show, which is good, because I have a popcorn fiend son and the concession stand is so dang expensive! It was a great movie. This was the first movie Nathan's attention was held the whole hour and half!!! Which suprised me because he has seen every trailer for this movie 100 times. Bud even cried at a few spots- you can tease him about that. I did!!!
Well, I am presiding at church tomorrow- I need to get my act together and my boys are begging me to cook supper too- the life of a mommy and wife just doesn't end.
Then Tuesday, we went bowling again- and Nathan beat little Michael by 5 pins again. We went to Wal-Mart afterwards to get his birthday party invitations and he asked to ride in the cart, and when we got home he picked up his "Bob and Bug" and walked himself to his room and shut the door, and within minutes- if not seconds he was snoring!!! Poor guy!
Wednesday morning he went back to school. Everyone missed him!!! I went to KSD and did data entry for the infirmary- we got new software and a laptop for the clinic. I have to enter all the kid's immunizations and make sure they are compliant with the state of Kansas. FUN!!!
I am going to give an honest comment here- I have been struggling with life lately, and also my marriage to Bud. I love him to death but with me working two jobs and other life stuff- I am not handling things well. So, I contacted a counselor and went and saw her on Wednesday. Got done with that, and went to Sorenson and worked till 9! I got up on Thursday and took Nathan to Paula's and after traffic stalls and accidents arrived at KSD at 9am. I picked Nathan up at 2:30 but chatted with Paula till almost 4!!! Then came home and got stuff ready for supper and had to go back to Sorenson till 9.
Sorenson- I was actually on the phones and I was so nervous and the Deaf all noticed. I sucked as a terp that night!!! I really need to work on that before my next two tests!! HELP!!!!!
Friday- went to KSD after dropping Nathan off to Pre-School and got there at 7:30 and worked till noon cuz it was scrap night!!! Well, Bud had a reaction to his meds and we ended up at the ER. So- I did not get to scrap. I haven't scrapbooked since April!!!!! I feel out of practice. Although I did do ONE digital scrap a few days ago, after I got Photoshop CS3 loaded on my new laptop. It is on my gallery at

We (as a family) went and saw Wall-E today. It was cheaper since we went to the 1pm show, which is good, because I have a popcorn fiend son and the concession stand is so dang expensive! It was a great movie. This was the first movie Nathan's attention was held the whole hour and half!!! Which suprised me because he has seen every trailer for this movie 100 times. Bud even cried at a few spots- you can tease him about that. I did!!!
Well, I am presiding at church tomorrow- I need to get my act together and my boys are begging me to cook supper too- the life of a mommy and wife just doesn't end.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I'm back from Mormon Country
Ok- here is the latest! I went to Salt Lake City Utah for training for Sorenson last week. The night before I was doing a final check of email and trying to get pictures to Walgreens and the power went out to the laptop. No battery power- no power from the NEW cord either--- I thought maybe if I took it with me on the trip I might get it to work again, and well- I tried all week and it wouldn't work- so I dragged a laptop halfway across the US for nothing!!!! Anyway--- Here is more of the story...
When I arrived on Monday afternoon I asked my shuttle driver what I should see or do while I was here and he said "Go to the Mall" so I went Monday night- I found some clothes for work- which I had been having a hard time here in Kansas. I also ate at Red Robin (my favorite!!!) but they had a different menu out there. Then I went back to the hotel room to get ready for my first day of training. Tuesday night we went to eat at a Greek restaurant and I had a Greek cheeseburger and spinach pie and I took a piece of Baklava back to the hotel room. I had to practice my phone scripts. Wednesday night was the big party back at Sorenson and then Thursday night we went to Temple Square... I went with two others from my training group.
Well- I have more pictures and more stories but I think this will sufice for now.
This week is busy again. Monday I take my Kansas Interpreters Written Exam, and Nathan goes to visit his girlfriends Riley and Taylor. Tuesday he bowls again, Wednesday I work at KSD and Sorenson and Thursday I work at KSD and Sorenson and Friday I work at KSD and SCRAP NITE happens! I have missed scrapbooking!
Chat at ya later----
Friday, June 13, 2008
Flooded with News!!!
Why did I come to Iowa in the middle of all this? I took my written exam for my National Interpreter Certification exam. I PASSED!!!! I needed to get a 500 and I got a 558. I almost didn't make it to the testing site due to the fact the place where it was held was in a lower level of a building that the address was blocked by leaves!!!!
Anyway- I head to Salt Lake City Utah on Monday, and when I return on Friday it is "study for my Kansas Written" exam. I take that the following Monday.
I also played UNO SPIN (a really cool version of Uno!) for the trophy with my nephew and my mom even decided to play and it was a close game between my mom and I. I ended up winning with a score of 617 to 371 (MOM) and poor David had a score of 40.
OH and my smart nephew got his toe caught in the table!
Oh and speaking of David--- he is a working man! He works at the local DQ. I went to pick him up from work the other night and snapped a few pics of him cleaning up. But I don't have them uploaded on the computer yet- so watch for those.
Oh- also my brother turned 49 and we went out for Chinese food. Ok- guess I don't have those uploaded either.
Ok, I gotta go pick up my nephew at work. Check in with you all later!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Hey folks! I'm back... Went to the visitation and memorial service for PaPa Douglass... After it was all over, we went to the dirt races in Moberly, MO and watched Clayton Crump #3 race! Why did we do that? Because Bud's cousin Lindsay is dating him! It was pretty cool. Nathan had a good time. Here is the whole tribe that went- I was behind the camera of course! We took the RV (HARVEY) and got back to Nanny's after midnight.

Now I am in Iowa. I take my National Interpreter Written Exam tomorrow. I have been studying and hanging with MY family. It is nice coming home. They sure have a lot of water standing around. I am going to try and take some pictures later today. It hasn't been this bad since 93!
Oh Monday- before I came up here I took Nathan to see Kung Fu Panda. But he wouldn't leave the WALL-E display alone...

Well- I need to study for my test... Oh- DW and I are gonna play Uno Spin today. We will see who wins that trophy this time!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Bowling and Bad News Day
Nathan's Pee Wee Bowling League started today. First we went to nearby Burger King to get lunch, we thought we would play in the play area for awhile but their play area was closed, they had some damage due to all the rain we got recently. In fact, as I write this the sky outside is getting pretty gray again.
Nathan said "I am King right?" While we were eatig lunch we got a phone call from Grammy- PaPa (Great Grandpa- Grammy's Daddy) was being taken to the hospital in Centralia. He had quit breathing. So we were standing by.
We went to the bowling alley and hung out in the arcade there- lost about 75 cents to a few games. Daddy called from Texas and we talked to him for awhile while we waited for the league to start.
His final score was 43. They only do one game- which is good because we got home after going to the bank inside Hy-Vee and he rode the horse there- anyway- we got home and he said to me....

This is Nanny and PaPa at Christmas this past year. We miss you PaPa. His Service will probably be on Saturday. I was to go to a workshop for interpreters on that day.

We bowled with Michael and Nicholus today. Nathan had a hard time switching lanes, but he had fun. He got real tired of throwing the ball down the lane, and he was the first one to get the ball stuck on the lane. The workers had to come over about 5 times to get his ball for him. His last two frames we got the metal slide thingy for him to use to throw the ball down the lane and it seemed to help a lot. Michael goes bowling with his grandpa every saturday and even though Nathan is the oldest- this little Michael throws the ball down the lane and even has his fingers in the right holes in the ball. Nathan still carries his ball with both hands.

"Momma put me to bed!" Oh, while we were bowling we got a phone call from Grammy, and PaPa passed away. It was very unexpected. So, we are heading to the middle of Missouri later this week.
Bud is in Texas on business... he has never traveled for work before. I think he was a bit nervous. But he is fine now. He is having a good time- eating Tex-Mex and seeing the sites. He is sending me pictures from his phone for scrapbooking.
I have registered for my Kansas Certification as an Interpreter. I will be scheduling my Kansas written test sometime this week. After I pass that test I will have to take a performance test and that way I will get certified by the time schol starts. I have my national certification exam a week from Thursday. I have up to 5 years to take my performance exam after I pass that one. I heard it is taking over 6 months to get your results back- so there is no way I could be certified by fall... but I will get it all done- I have to!!
Well, that is the update for today. ...
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
PJ Day

So- today is PJ day. Nathan got up in the middle of the night and was yelling at us about going to the bathroom. I was dreaming he was doing that,and then I felt Bud get up and open his door and tell him he could go. Crazy kid!! Then he grabbed his "Bob pillow" his "Kung Fu Panda" and his "Baby" and brought them into OUR BED!!! He laid in between us and continued to hit me with his arm. I couldn't sleep- so I snuck out of the bed and went to the basement and proceeded to study for my upcoming RID Exam. Then Bud left about 7 and I crawled into bed and slept till about 8:30. Nathan was up and was watching cartoons and playing his Leapster. He is such a good boy.
Except for yesterday!!! I will post pictures later but we went to Deanna Rose Farmstead in OP and he and Riley took off running away from us (Paula and I) and we yelled and yelled and they ignored us and adults nearby just stood there- just dumbfounded! AAAA!!! Anyway- the two were brought back to where we were and had timeout and cried and cried and cried! So it will be awhile before we go back there.
Well I have some major studying to do. My test is in 2 weeks!!! I do not feel ready at all! I don't even think I am close...
OH MAN!! I can't have a complete PJ day- I just remembered I have my study group tonight for my test. DARN IT!!!
Maybe next week...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The month is almost over and I have hardly written. So here is the latest from ol' Spluuugir
Retirement Party: Got there and Nathan asked where Grammy's Party Boat was (based on a party boat that was won on The Price is Right- earlier)

Which is a really cool grocery store in St. Louis. They used to sell ths wonderful garlic oil but they discontinued it. We bought some snacks and a reuseable bag (so we can go green-someday) and while we were checking out- I tried some hand lotion and it was citrus my favorite flavor! It was wonderful lotion- my fingers and hands were so soft!!! Vicki and I went back in and I got a travel pack and 2 large containers - since we don't have a Trader Joes near us.
Went to lunch at Applebee's and Nathan refused to eat. Something was going to happen.
Then we headed to the Magic House. It is a perfect place for little ones. Nathan played and played and played!
Yep- that's us- with the electromagnetic thingy.
Shortly after this picture was taken Nathan quietly asked me to sit down wit him. His face became red pretty quickly. We got back to the In Laws and he had a 103 fever!!! Bud and I were to go out and chat- and Nathan went to bed- and we trust the In-Laws and we went to downtown St. Charles and for Ice Cream at Cold Stone Creamery. The next morning we had Nathan into the doctor- STREP THROAT!!! So he stayed home 2 days last week.
This was my last week at KSD till August. I also put in a few hours at Sorenson. I had an exhausting week with Nathan home and 2 jobs and a sermon to write. In fact, I did not get my sermon written till late last night. OOPS!!!
Friday night we (Bud and I) went and saw Indiana Jones 4. It was good. I forgot I was in the theatre! Then we went to Joes Crab Shack we ate Mussels for our appetizer, I had never eaten mussels before.
They were good but SPICY!! 
Then we picked up Nathan and stopped at Sonic and got ice cream. We tried to sit outside and eat it but the bugs were too bad.

So, anyway- oh- one more pic to share- I HAVE DAISIES IN MY FLOWERBED!!! My tulips and Nathan's flowers were destroyed by our spring storms, but this week the Daisies appeared!
My sermon went ok today. I got a bit long winded. This week Nathan goes to school two days a week. Tuesday and Friday this week. I get to be a MOM again. I get to sleep with my hubby again, and I get to do laundry and get to all those projects around the house that I haven't been able to get to all school year.
----Summer goals and plans!
1. Get "my room" upstairs organized and cleaned up so I can make my "sanctuary."
2. Get the garage cleaned out (5th year this has been on my list!)
3. Go somewhere fun once a week with Nathan (movies, pool, etc)
4. Read two books for fun!!!
5. Get the basement organized (another thing that has been on my list for 5 years!)
6. Pass my Certification Exam on June 13th.
7. Get my interview/performance exam scheduled for the fall.
8. Get bills paid down
9. Write on my blog at least once a week (aren't you happy?)
10. Start digital scrapbooking again.
Well,I need to get busy (as you can see!) Till next time!
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