Sunday, September 14, 2008

Space- a final frontier...

Ok- just read hubby's blog. He totally is wrong! He over-reacted to my bag from work being on his side of our bedroom. Then he says I push him off the bed when I sleep- now tell me- how I am supposed to correct this problem? TELL ME!!!

I am behind on my Bible Study with the ladies a work. I am almost a whole week behind! I was going t catch up this weekend, but I ended up working on my "room" so Bud could have more room in his manland. Guess I have a lot more to do.

Tomorrow we are babysitting the Robidoux girls! Bud likes taking care of Taylor. Nathan hangs with Riley- and I guess I will handle Nathan and Riley.

Tuesday is Bible Study- and my first Sign Class for the year. I won't be home until late. Wed I go to Sorenson. Thursday is Deaf Sunday prep day- and Friday is Scrapbooking! Saturday is a birthday party for a friend of Nathans and Sunday is Deaf Sunday. If you want to buy tickets - contact me- $15.00 for adults. $5.00 for ages 4-12.

Busy week. Not much breathing room. Next week is my surgery! Woo Hoo!!!

Well Big Brother is on- gotta run!!!

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